Monday, March 21, 2011

Oh Baby!

That little light inside of me just grew a little brighter today.  I've been so nervous that something will happen to you, I haven't been really able to let myself get excited about you.  Dr. Rhodes (a.k.a. Col. Sanders) didn't want me to get my hopes up either, so he ran a few special tests for me.  On Friday after our visit, I had some blood drawn to test my quantitative hCG level.  I had to go back this morning for another blood test.  In a healthy pregnancy, the hCG level doubles every 48 hours.  I had been especially nervous about my test results, mostly because I'd been so sick last week.  When I talked to the nurse this morning, she told me that my hCG level on Friday was at 92.  I asked her what that meant, and she didn't know - and didn't want to speculate.  She wanted to wait until my test results from this morning came back.  Well, much to my surprise, my hCG level came back at 502!  She also said that my progesterone levels look great and that I should get in for an ultrasound next Friday.  I can't believe it.  I've felt like I've been holding my breath all weekend, and I've finally got a good bit of news.  I don't know if I'll be completely at ease for a while yet, but I feel like the first hurdle has been overcome. 

We're still keeping you a secret - at least for a few more weeks.  I want to wait for the right moment to let everyone know you're on your way.  Plus, I don't want to jinx this whole thing either.

I'm glad you're here.  Keep hanging on, little one. 

Friday, March 18, 2011

Doctor's Visits

So, you had your first trip to the doctor today.  It wasn't anything special and something I had scheduled before you decided to come along.  We're waiting for some blood work to come back right now, but one thing is certain - I've got a bun in the oven!  I'm scared, truthfully, of the next three months.  You see, I want you so much already.  And I'm trying really hard not to get too excited.  But, last night, your daddy and I started picking out names for you.  If you're a girl, we've had you named for years.  However, we're clueless what to call you if you're a boy.  I suggested Cole, Collins, and Carter, which were all vetoed immediately.  In turn, your daddy proposed Maximus, Magnus, or Bobby.  I don't know which name is worse.  Two make you sound like a brand of condoms and the other one makes you sound like a serial killer. 

We'll get there eventually. 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Storms Coming...

Are you in there little fetus?
In nine months will you come greet us? 

Well, little one, we found out you're on the way today.  I'm trying not to get too excited just yet.  You see, we've had some problems in the past getting to this point, and we've had a lot of disappointment.  But, we're so happy that you've made your presence known.  At first, I didn't believe it, but after two or three tests, I suppose it's true.  I think I'll breathe a lot easier once I know you're healthy and growing the way that you should be.  

There really isn't an exciting story as to how I told your daddy that you were on your way.  I took my temperature this morning and it was still high.  I've been very sick, so I wasn't sure if I still had a fever or if something else was going on.  I assumed I still had a fever, because I took a pregnancy test just yesterday and it was negative.  Still, just to be on the safe side, before I started any medication, I wanted to make sure.  And, I was surprised when I saw the results!  Your daddy was in the closet, picking out something green to wear (seeing as how it's St. Patrick's Day and all) and I showed him the test.  We both got a little lightheaded, but in a very good way.  Maybe you'll learn this in thirty years, but even when you've been wishing, hoping, and trying to get pregnant, getting that "positive" still takes your breath away.  Your daddy made a few jokes (you'll learn that he does that a lot) and then requested "baby back ribs" for know, to celebrate.     

I'm going to the doctor tomorrow, just to make sure everything is happening as it should be.  I am so happy that you chose me to be your mom.  I can't wait to meet you.  So, I guess I'll meet you in nine months.  Until then, find something to grab on to and hold on tight.