Monday, December 12, 2011

A Growing Storms...

As promised, I've started a new blog for everyone to keep up with all that Jack has going on in his busy, if you're interested, hop on over to:

I can't promise that I'll ever be as regular as I was with posting, but I'll try! 

Monday, December 5, 2011

My Last Post/The Labor Story

Well, he has arrived...he has ten fingers, ten toes, blond hair and blue eyes.  In short, he's absolutely perfect.  All the waiting, the aches of pregnancy, and the pain of childbirth was absolutely worth it. 

So, I was reading my post from a week ago (which seems like a LIFETIME ago) and at this time last week, I was counting down the hours until my doctor's visit so we could check if I had progressed at all.  I had my mind firmly set on the fact that my labor was going to be induced, because I had noticed no change in my contractions.  Believe it or not, I actually had work sitting on my desk when I left on Monday evening because I was so certain that I'd be back in the office on Tuesday.  Well, as I've been saying all along, babies come when they're ready and by Monday night, Jack was ready to come into this world! 
So, last Monday, I took a bath and got ready for bed.  Jeff and I crawled into bed around 9:00 p.m. (hey - early to bed, early to rise!) and fell asleep fairly quickly.  Pregnancy was/is exhausting!  Anyways, I woke up with a start at about 10:00 p.m. because my water broke.  And, I mean it broke!  Without getting into the gory details, there was little question what was happening and we definitely knew that I was headed into labor.  So, after that happened, I took a shower (Jeff makes fun of me for this), washed and fixed my hair and I also put on make-up.  But, I didn't know when I'd be able to shower again and come on, you know there would be pictures!  Jeff finished packing our hospital bags, loaded everything in the car, and we headed to my parents' house to drop off Maverick.  So, here we are outside their house, on our way to the hospital...

Can you tell we're excited?  So, we got to the hospital and checked in.  The nurse checked me for dilation and I'd only made it to one centimeter!  I groaned and asked if they were going to send me home...fortunately, I had a "traumatic rupture" of the amniotic sac and was at high risk for infection, so they admitted us and put us into our labor and delivery room.  The doctor recommended that I spend some time walking around the hospital wing to encourage the progression of labor, so I walked around and around the floor.  It didn't take long for the contractions to intensify, so I went back to our room to rest.  Jeff fell asleep out pretty quickly, and the doctor gave me some medicine to try and help me rest, but it didn't work.  So, I labored throughout the night and occasionally got up and walked around the hospital.  Jeff would wake up every so often, scream "How you doing, honey?" and then go back to sleep.  At about 7:00 a.m., the nurse came in and told me to order some breakfast and then they'd check me again to see if I had made any progress.  Fortunately, I'd dilated to four centimeters, so I didn't have to receive any Pitocin, which made me very happy.  I heard that stuff is just awful.  They did give me some pain medicine, which really didn't do much to take away the pain, it really just made me care less about it.  But it didn't last for long.

We kept walking in circles and at about 10:30 a.m., I finally called the doctor and asked for an epidural.  If you will recall, I was really hesitant to get one before labor, mostly because I was terrified of being unable to feel my legs.  So, Jeff looked at me, and asked me if I was sure that was what I wanted.  The only way I can describe my change of heart is analogizing it to leaving a movie theater and realizing the movie you just saw was completely different than what you had expected.  So, I had the epidural and once that kicked in, I fell asleep almost immediately.  I slept until 2:30, when the nurse came in to check my progress.  Well, much to my surprise, she told me that it was time to push!  That statement definitely caught Jeff and me off guard, and I momentarily panicked.  For some reason, I had expected things to be a lot more difficult, prolonged, and intense.  So, the nurse got everything set up, and I started pushing just before 3:00 p.m.  I pushed through about five contractions and John Robert Storms came roaring into the world at 3:14 p.m. 

Like I said before, he is absolutely perfect.  My tiny heavyweight topped the scales at 7lbs 9oz. and was 21" in length.  His head was 13" in circumference.  Those few moments after he was born were unlike any other emotion I've ever experienced.  I never believed he was real until they laid him on my chest, he looked at me, and it was like he'd always been a part of me.  I can't describe the intense love I've felt since that time.  When I was younger, I babysat quite frequently and always got bored with caring for the baby.  I was really nervous that I'd get bored with Jack, but I find that I can't seem to stop staring at him.  Even when he cries, I am not bothered and I find myself needing to hold him. 

So, this will be my last post on this blog.  I'm going to start a new one with updates on Jack's progress and growth, with pictures, of course!  I haven't created the site yet, but once I get it up and running, I'll make sure to link it with this blog. 

To everyone that followed and supported us on this journey, I want to thank you for everything.  Jack, Jeff, and I are very lucky to have such wonderful, generous, and caring people in our lives. 

Monday, November 28, 2011

Forty Weeks and Four Days...

Well, I may have jinxed myself last week because I'm STILL pregnant.  Going past the due date makes me feel like I ran a marathon and was told at the finish line that I still have another ten miles to go.  I go back to the doctor tomorrow for another check-up and we'll discuss and schedule induction at that time.  Seriously, these past few weeks have felt like the longest of my life!  The idea of even waiting a few more days seems like an eternity.  I am so ready to meet this little monster and I am SO ready to be "un-pregnant" again.  In addition to the fact that I am a crazy-contraction machine, I have morphed into some kind of turtle.  Meaning, if I get into a certain position, I can't seem to right myself.  Mostly, it happens if I'm laying on the couch.  It's a huge chore to stand up and requires an incredible amount of effort. 

In any case, here we are at forty weeks and four days...

We had our forty week appointment with Duckie last week, and things are "progressing" which basically means a lot of gross labor-related terms that no one really needs to hear about.  The baby still seems to be having a party, and continues to remain active, which is still a good sign. 

Other than that, we had a nice long weekend.  Obviously, on Thursday, we went to my parents' house for Thanksgiving.  I was feeling terribly that day, and I felt like I was going to jump out of my skin.  Mostly, smells and sensations were driving me crazy and I ended up getting sick just before dinner.  While that did make me feel better, I remained cranky for the rest of the day, unfortunately.  On Friday, Jeff and I went out to the Mall of America (no, we're not crazy!) and walked laps around the mall, doing some Christmas shopping and trying to get some sort of labor started.  Obviously, it didn't work.  We did get home in time to watch the 5A Prep Sports State Football Championship, where my alma mater, Eden Prairie High School, took home the title.  Go Eagles! 

On Saturday, I ended up putting up all our Christmas decorations - both inside AND outside - and wrapped the presents we had gotten at the mall the day before.  The house looks so nice now.  I also washed every article of clothing that was even remotely dirty, remade all the beds, cleaned out the fridge, and watched Elf (the first of many viewings this holiday season).  Yesterday, I went to a birthday party for my girlfriend's little boy, in the hopes that being around children would spur on labor.  Obviously, it didn't work. 

Today, I slept in as late as I possibly could, got up and came in to work.  I'm actually happy to be here, believe it or not, as it gives me something to do beyond sitting in my house, waiting for nothing.  Plus, it also extends my maternity leave by a few days, and that's something I'll appreciate around the end of February.  

If there's any news to report following my appointment with Duckie tomorrow, I'll try and post an update if I can.  At this point in time, I think that Jeff and I have given up on the idea that I'll go into labor naturally.  I think I'm going to need a little push from modern medicine.  Until then, if you don't hear from me, it doesn't mean I'm in labor - it just means that I don't want to think or talk about WHEN or IF Baby Storms is going to grace us with his presence.  Trust me, the world will know when he arrives.     

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thirty-Nine Weeks (alternatively titled, my breaking point?)

Well, we are three days away from Thanksgiving and our due date.  We have officially reached our breaking point, I think.  By far and away, this is the worst part of pregnancy.  I would take another week of morning sickness and exhaustion over what I'm going through right now.  Basically, I started having contractions since Thursday night and they haven't stopped.  They were so regular that we went to the hospital on Friday, thinking I was in labor, only to be slapped on the butt and sent home.  Since that time, I haven't been able to sleep for more than an hour and I'm up all the time with really consistent contractions.  They're every five to fifteen minutes apart and keep going.  All.  The.  Time.  So, I called the doctor again last night and they admitted me to the hospital for "exhaustion" and a good night's rest - a la Lindsay Lohan.  Basically, they knocked me out, medically speaking, of course.  I didn't really sleep that well, mostly because I was in an unfamiliar environment, and there's really nothing to be done about the contractions.  So, after a restless night and an absolute lack of progress, they slapped me on the butt and sent me home.  Again.  Today, I actually got in some good, solid rest.  The doctor also gave me some medicine to help me sleep tonight as well, although I am still a little groggy from laying prostrate on the couch for six hours. 

So, that's what has been going on this past week.  The hospital bags have been packed, I've done as much laundry as can be done, the house is clean, the bills are paid - and there's nothing to do but wait for Baby Storms to arrive. 

So, there we are at thirty-nine weeks.  You can tell he's in the "locked and ready" position.  We go back to see Duckie tomorrow.  I'm going to tell him to get things going.  I really can't take this any more.  I'm going to try and limp through the rest of this week with respect to work, try and make it through Thanksgiving and then I'm actively thinking thoughts of baby.  I have to tell you, if I'm still pregnant by this time next week, I'm not going to send Baby Jack to college.  Mark my words. 

So, this may be the last update I'll make unless I make it through to Thanksgiving.  Which would not bode well for anyone around me. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

An Update from Duckie...

We had our thirty-eight week appointment with Duckie today...even though I'm only NINE days away from my due date!  Unfortunately, Baby Storms made no progress towards joining us in this world over the past week.  The good news is that he continues to grow, as do I, and I added another two centimeters to the ever expanding baby bump over the past seven days.  I also gained two pounds, which is unusual during the last few weeks of pregnancy, so Duckie said that I'm still cooking Baby Jack and he wouldn't be surprised if I sailed right past Thanksgiving.  His head is also still "floating" around and hasn't "engaged" yet in my pelvic region, so he is still happy where he is and doesn't have any immediate plans to change venues. 

Duckie also "played" with Baby Storms at our visit.  He would poke my stomach and try to get the baby to move.  I'm pleased to report that Jack responded very well, and his heart beat increased with his movement.  Duckie told me that it's a good sign and that I have a very healthy and responsive baby growing inside me. 

So, I've got another appointment next Tuesday to check on my progress.  I also made an appointment for November 29th, mostly because I'm realistic and I know this kid isn't joining us in the next nine days.  I think I've said this before, but I am betting he comes on December 1st.  But, I was so convinced that Baby Storms was a girl for the first twenty weeks of his life, I hope I'm just as wrong about this! 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Thirty-Eight Weeks

Alternatively titled...The Calm Before the Storm...

I think that I can officially say that we're ready for Baby Storms to make his appearance, from a preparation standpoint, at least.  This past week, the baby's bedding FINALLY came in (I only ordered it in July!) and the nursery is now complete.  I also bought our stroller, car seat, and all the items on our baby list that were left.  There weren't many!  I've got our hospital bags packed, clothes washed, bottles cleaned, birthing plan made and copied...and now we wait.  I am literally a ticking time bomb.  Mentally, both Jeff and I could use a few more days to get ready before officially becoming parents.  There are lots of little (or big) things to be done at work still, for both of us, although I could leave my desk tomorrow and know my files would be well taken care of.  Jeff seems to be working at an absolutely ferocious pace, and I think he needs a few more days to get things totally squared away at the office.  Every morning, we wake up and he rolls over, looks at me, and says, "No baby today, okay?"  Thanksgiving really seems to be our official "D-Day" and I think we'll be ready to get this show on the road after that point. 

Baby Storms seems to agree with that plan, although I've had some early signs of labor.  I feel a bit like I'm in my early weeks of pregnancy again.  The thought of most food turns my stomach, and I can't seem to get enough sleep.  I had my thirty-seven week appointment with Duckie last Tuesday, and things were progressing, but he thought that I would probably go full-term.  That being said, babies have a way of coming into the world on their own terms.  Duckie said he'd seen women in clinic that hadn't progressed in labor at all in the morning and deliver in the evening.  We head back for another check-up on Tuesday.  Baby Storms has slowed down with the incessant kicking and he seems content to have his feet lodged in my rib cage.  Right now, he's rolling around and it feels like he's trying to swim downward.

Despite my never ending quest for sleep, the nesting instinct has kicked in, full throttle.  I have to-do lists - EVERYWHERE.  I was a little obsessive with lists beforehand, but it's gotten totally out of control.  I actually think I'm creating more work for myself, just so I keep myself from sitting around and going crazy.  I seem to be on some sort of quest for everything to be "perfect" in my life, so when Jack finally shows up, I will have nothing to do but focus on him.  If I was being totally objective about it, we're already there, but that doesn't stop the cleaning, cooking, organizing, and list-making!  In any case, here we are at thirty-eight weeks:

He's growing quickly, according to Duckie, and my belly grew about two centimeters last week, which is a great thing, considering that I've been measuring on the smaller side.  My back is still pretty sore, but if I get up and walk around every hour or so, it seems to keep the worst of the pain at bay. 

We also had to make our birthing plan as part of our Labor & Delivery class last week.  Jeff and I had spent a lot of time talking about what we wanted out of the experience before we actually had the class, so we were pretty prepared.  There were a lot of questions, however, that we hadn't considered - such as whether we wanted the baby vaccinated in the hospital - so we've spent some time talking over all those issues.  In short, we really want the labor process to be about the three of us - or, in reality, Jeff and I working together to bring our son into the world.  I guess we only get to go through this once, huh?  After Baby Jack is born, we want to have a big ol' party in the hospital!  We'll flip over the sign from "Do Not Disturb" to "Visitors Welcome!"      
Jeff and I are trying to get in lots of last-minute dates, when our schedules will allow it.  On Friday night, we were going to head out for dinner, but ended up getting take-out and watching an old movie on television.  Last night, we went out with our dear friends, Brendan and Lindsey, to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch some football.  Today, my brother-in-law, Alec, is coming over to help Jeff with some of the heavier chores around the house.  I am so thankful for him - he is really such a great kid and is so willing to help.  As long as I have food in the fridge and coffee in the pot, he'll do anything!  Actually, I know I've said this a dozen times, but I can never repay all the kindness we've been shown over the past nine months.  My parents have been incredibly generous and giving as we've moved and gotten settled in our new house.  I'm so grateful for all the women that threw amazing showers and all my friends and family - both near and far - that sent beautiful gifts and helped us get ready for Baby Storms' impending arrival.  This is the month for giving thanks, and I am so thankful for each and every one of them.  I don't know what we ever did to get so lucky.   

This afternoon, I have Thanksgiving with my girlfriends.  I think this is the ninth year we've gotten together and it's one of my most favorite traditions.  It has changed so much in the past few years as we've gotten better in the kitchen and with the ever growing number of babies that now join us for dinner!  I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone and playing with their children.  
In any case, I think everything will remain status quo until next week.  But, like I said...babies kind of have their own schedule, so I'll keep vigil until he gets here...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Thirty-Seven Weeks

Another week down, and we are seven days closer to Baby Storms' arrival.  All my books say that he could come at any point in time, although I'm not seeing any signs of impending labor.  Since we're so close to our due date, we have another appointment with Duckie on Tuesday to check on the baby and look for any developing signs of labor.  I'm not optimistic.     

We had another busy, baby-related weekend and spent way too much money on things that I think we'll need for the hospital.  On Friday night, Jeff and I went on a mini "baby-moon" and had a nice dinner out.  Well, Jeff had a nice dinner.  He had prime rib.  I decided that I had to eat a cheeseburger and french fries.  Yum.  We also went shopping for nursing tank tops and clothes for me to wear in and home from the hospital.  My girlfriends call them "mom clothes" and I am really excited to wear them because they all look and feel so soft and comfortable. 

On Saturday, Jeff and I woke up early and went to our Labor & Delivery class.  For your information, I hated it.  I hated it so much that I actually made Jeff leave at the lunch break and we didn't go back.  The class was held in a small, windowless classroom and all the "students" had to sit on these rock hard, plastic chairs.  The instructor then proceeded to talk at us for four hours.  Straight.  There was little to no interaction with the teacher or other members of the class.  It was miserable.  In addition to the fact that the class was really boring, I also sat next to a prospective father that smelled like moldy, rotten cheese.  He looked like he hadn't showered in several days and hadn't washed his clothes in several weeks.  I know I'm being catty, but it was awful.  Frankly, it's tough to expect anyone to sit still during a four hour lecture, but asking a woman, who is nine months pregnant, to sit on a plastic chair next to Captain Stink continuously for four solid hours is just ridiculous.  My back started hurting after the first two hours and it only got worse as the class went on.  So, at the lunch break, Jeff and I went to the Mall of America and walked laps until I felt better.  And we didn't go back.  Afterwards, we went to Target and picked up everything else we needed to take to the hospital and grabbed a bite to eat.  However, I still felt like I smelled the moldy cheese man all day, so I took a long, hot bath when I got home.

On the morning before our class, Jeff woke up early and went to a step aerobics (yes, that's correct - not a typo) class at Lifetime Fitness.  True to form, he was over ten minutes late in picking me up for class.  He promised me that he'd still get us there in time, but as we crossed under Highway 169, our progress was slowed by a set of blue and red flashing lights in our rear view mirror.  We pulled over and I strongly considered playing the "I'm in labor" card, but we were honest with the officer and told him we were just on our way to class.  While I was convinced Jeff was going to get a ticket, the officer came back with a warning and made us promise that we'd spread good stories about the Eden Prairie police offer who let us go.  He also made a special request that we put the warning citation in the baby's scrapbook.  So, Officer, this is for you:

This image has been removed at the request of Daddy Storms

On Sunday, we had another productive day.  We went to and walked around HOM Furniture for a few hours, getting decorating ideas for the basement, office, and formal living room.  Believe it or not, we went there at Jeff's suggestion!  I also finished packing our hospital bags, and did a bunch of other chores around the house.  My girlfriend, Cristin, came up with her little boy and her mom, and dropped off their present for Baby Storms.  Together, they made the most beautiful quilt for Jack. 

You might not be able to tell from the picture, but the quilt squares are little sailboats and nautical flags.  The colors also go perfectly in the nursery.  I have been looking forward to this gift my entire pregnancy, and I am so excited because it's truly the "finishing touch" to Baby Storms' room.  I can't wait to wrap him up in it and will make a perfect blanket for some "tummy time."  I love the quilt so much that I am afraid that Jack will ruin it, even though I know its unreasonable to assume that the blanket will be able to make it through his infancy unscathed. 

Finally, I've put up a picture of Baby Jack and I at thirty-seven weeks.  We've got only eighteen days until our due date.  Jeff says that he can tell my belly is lower now, and I feel like I keep expanding.  I also developed an abdominal hernia, but it doesn't hurt.  It's also pretty common in later pregnancy.  My biggest complaint is that my back continues to hurt quite a bit.  I am sure there's still some residual pain left over from my fall last week, but Baby Storms seems to have found my sciatic nerve and it feels like he's using it as a yo-yo. 

With that exception, I'm still happy and excited, however...and I wait anxiously every day for any kind of sign of labor.  All in its own time, I know, but I can't wait to meet this little man.  My tiny heavyweight.

Finally, I wanted to take a minute and recognize my unsung hero. I know I spend a lot of time teasing him and it may not sound like I give him much credit, but I do not know where I would be without my husband. He has been absolutely incredible during this pregnancy and I feel so lucky to be his wife. He has been supportive, attentive, and has given me unconditional love and encouragement when I have needed it most. More importantly, he keeps me grounded and focused on what's most important in our lives. I wake up every morning, loving him more than I did the day before, and I am so proud of the incredible man that he is becoming for our child. Over these last nine months, our marriage has gotten better than I had ever hoped and I can't wait to tackle the next seventy years with him. He will be an incredible father and will be a wonderful role model for our son. He will teach him to work hard, support him in every way possible, and will love him unconditionally. I can't wait to see the bond that grows between Jack and Jeff. I could go on and on, but prolonged sentimentality makes him uncomfortable, so I'll just stop. I just hope he knows what an incredible man I think he is.       

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Thirty Six Weeks

I know I've been making you all wait impatiently for an update, recapping the events of my thirty-sixth week of pregnancy.  But, we had an appointment with Duckie this morning and I wanted to wait to post any news from the visit.  Personally and physically, I feel like all the cliches are coming true.  I feel like I'm going to be pregnant FOREVER.  Truthfully, I think these last twenty-three days are going to just drag by, and he'll probably be late to boot!  I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas morning.  I'm ready to get this show on the road!  We've had quite a few "false starts" and a few times I've told Jeff that it's time to get to the hospital, but it's all just wishful thinking.  I keep thinking that I've been pregnant through all four seasons at this point, and at least I know I'm not going to head into a fifth season with a bump!  The end is in sight.  This baby is riding low now, and I'm finding it harder and harder to bend over. 

Which brings me to the one bit of news of the week.  On Thursday morning, I slipped coming out of the shower at the gym.  Fortunately, I sort of caught myself on the way down, but I landed on my butt.  Hard.  And, for those of you who know me well, a fall is nothing new in my book.  Still, my first thought was, "Is the baby okay?" and fortunately, I didn't have to wait more than a few seconds before he resumed his endless tap dance on the sides of my stomach.  Me, though, I could have been better.  So, I called Duckie, just to be on the safe side, and told him the baby was moving around, but that I felt pretty poorly.  I stopped by his office that afternoon for a little check-up, and Baby Storms was fine.  He told me to go home and make sure I took it easy for the next week or so. 

However, on Friday morning, I got a call from his nurse, telling me that Duckie didn't feel right about letting me go home the day before and wanted me to come back for another check-up.  Talk about scaring a pregnant woman right out of her maternity pants!  So, we went back to Duckie's office, he had another little peek at Baby Storms (who continued to practice playing the air guitar) and he also gave me the once over.  I was moving a little slower and hurt quite a bit more.  However, more concerning was that my blood pressure had gone up in the twenty-four hours since my visit on Thursday.  So, the words "modified bed rest" were tossed around, and Duckie basically told me that if I wasn't working, I should be resting.  I was also sent to physical therapy, which was wonderful, because it was basically an insurance-covered back massage.  I have to tell you that it's impossible to sit still when your "nesting instincts" are humming like crazy.  I was a bit of a neat freak before I was pregnant, but this is a whole new ball game.  I keep thinking, in a manner of speaking, that "every day is going to be my last" and I want my whole world to be in order so, when the time actually DOES come, I won't have to focus on anything but getting this kid out into the world.

Today's appointment with Duckie also incorporated my thirty-six week check up.  I'm continuing to measure on the small side, but Baby Storms is measuring right on the money.  I think the fact that I have such a long torso helps spread the baby around and he's not compacted so tightly.  My blood pressure was still a bit on the higher end, so I'm stilll under strict instructions to take it easy and I've got to stop going to the gym.  Not that I have been over the past five days.  No signs of labor yet, which really doesn't mean anything. 

So, here we are on Tuesday thirty-six weeks, and riding on minimal sleep...

I get up to go to the bathroom about twice a night.  Jeff calls me the "pregnant Chinese woman" because I have this weird elephant shuffle when I get up.  My joints are so stiff from only sleeping on my sides, in addition to having a sore back, that it takes a few minutes for the juices to get going once I'm up.  This weekend, Jeff and I are taking our "Labor & Delivery" class.  While I'm very excited to be a big part of bringing Baby Storms into the world, a part of me wishes I could be a fly on the wall, observing Jeff and I work together as we go through the experience.  We've been reading about what we need to bring with us to the hospital.  Most of the books recommend bringing a snack or sandwich for the labor partner, in case hunger pangs strike in the middle of the night and he doesn't need to leave the room to go and forage around a quiet hospital for food.  I'm relaying this to Jeff last night, who half-snorts, and says, "Why wouldn't I just go to the cafeteria?"  My response was, "Because you'll bring your cell phone" which prompted laughter.  Jeff has a terrible habit of "losing" himself when he gets distracted.  This is how that scenario would play out:

Jeff:  I'm going to the cafeteria to get a sandwich. 
Me:  Okay, huff, huff.  Be back quickly.  Huff, huff. 

Jeff would then leave the room, pull out his cell phone just to "see something" and subsequently get lost amid the corridors in the hospital.  But, he wouldn't notice that he was lost because after he "checked the scores" or "caught up on the news," he would call his brother or his mother or one of his buddies to give them a "progress report" on the labor.  This phone call would lead him to meander further around the hospital, getting more and more lost, until he disconnected the call and realized that he didn't know where he was.  He'd find a staffer, ask where the cafeteria was, and finally go and get a sandwich.  While in the cafeteria, there'd probably be a television and he'd get caught watching "Sports Center" or CNN and decide to sit down and eat his sandwich.  After he finished eating, he'd probably call someone else, start texting with someone from his office, or check to see if anything happened in the world in the last hour, at which point he'd realize that he had no idea how to get back to the room where I am.  He'd feel badly that he'd been gone for a long time, and decide to buy me a gift in the form of a stuffed animal.  He would finally ask a hospital employee how to get back to my birthing suite.  Then, he'd arrive and have been gone for forty-five minutes.  And you think I'm being dramatic.  Ask my husband if this is a completely plausible scenario.  Ask him how many times he's driven past the exit to our house on the freeway because he's been on the phone. 
The baby's room is all completed now - all his clothes are washed, his pacifiers and bottles have been sanitized, and now we're just waiting.  I had my final two showers last week, and I can't tell everyone enough how grateful we are for everything.  Seriously, its an incredible feeling to be so showered and spoiled.  My mom and sister put together an amazing shower for me last Saturday.  My girlfriends were also generous, and I received a number of gifts with a mother's stamp of approval.  We also received the video monitor, which I was really excited about, and I've got it all set up and ready to go.   

So, I hope I've made this sufficiently long in order to make up for posting late.  We've got twenty-three days to go, and I'm hoping that by December 1st, I'll be holding Baby Storms in my arms and not in my belly!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Thirty-Five Weeks

I can't believe that we're getting down to the wire.  I'm officially due one month from today.  It seems absolutely surreal and I don't really believe that this will EVER happen, but at least the end is finally in sight.  I had a bit of a rough weekend.  I started having false contractions on Thursday night.  Jeff started timing them, and they were four to seven minutes apart for a solid hour, and just as I thought we should go to the hospital or call the doctor, they stopped.  And that happened several times over the weekend, so maybe the end is closer than I think...or, I'll just have to put up with it for another month or more! 

Otherwise, we had another great weekend.  The chair my parents gave us is now installed in the nursery, so Jeff and I went to pick that up on Friday night.  I forgot to take a picture after I got everything set up and arranged, so I'll try and remember to do that this week.  I happen to think it looks amazing.  We still haven't gotten the bedding from Pottery Barn Kids, but once we get that in, we are all set to go!  I suppose we still need to pick up a car seat and stroller too...but details, details!  We've also started making a list for what we need to pack to take to the hospital with us when the time comes.  

On Saturday, I spent the morning running errands and picking up a few necessities, and then I met my girlfriend, Kelley, for coffee.  Actually, "coffee" isn't exactly correct, since I turned it into grilled cheese and a beverage.  On Saturday night, I went over to another girlfriend's house for dinner.  On Sunday, I had another shower with my girlfriends from high school and we had so much fun.  My friends, Shan and Sarah, hosted the "nautical-themed" shower and they did a great job.  We decorated onesies and bibs for Baby Jack with puff-paint and that really brought me back to my days as a Girl Scout.  We also played a game where Jeff responded to a number of questions about the baby before the shower, and I had to guess his answers.  Back in the day, if I got the answer wrong, I would have been required to take a shot/drink or something like that.  My, how times change!  In any case,  Jeff was asked what the baby's measurements would be, and he guessed that the baby would be 22 inches long and would weigh seven pounds, five ounces.  I wish.  That'd be like giving birth to a string bean.  He was also asked how far I would dilate before "go time," and he responded with six inches.  Again, I wish! 

Still, Baby Jack and I received so many amazing gifts and we really felt "showered" with love.  In addition to some adorable outfits, we also received a mirror for the car from Auntie Christy, a diaper wipe warmer from Auntie Angela, and a baby monitor from Auntie Shan and Auntie Anita.  And, of course, all articles of clothing and feeding utensils have been washed, dried, and are ready for use!  I figure this little man could make his appearance any time now, so I want everything to be as ready  so that all we need to do is "insert baby" and not have to fuss with setting up the swing or bouncy chair.  So far, so good.  

So, we've reached thirty-five weeks.  Like I said, I've been having some false labor and my energy level is questionable at times.  A little snooze has become pretty much a requirement every day.  I think that the belly is also becoming more prominent, and I think it's dropped a bit since last week, which means we're definitely gearing up for some big things:

I've developed a bit of a waddle now, but I still feel like I can move and shake with the best of them!  I've also started noticing that I can't sit for as long as I was once able to, mostly because my back starts to hurt.  This is especially true with driving, and it's difficult to sit in the car for any length of time, really, because I've been getting uncomfortable with driving to and from the office.  

The baby continues to grow and will probably gain about a half-pound every week until he's born.  I happen to think he'll be over eight pounds when he finally gets here, but who knows?  I'm hoping for less (naturally) but preparing for a bigger baby.  Both Jeff and I weighed over eight pounds when we were born, so it's not entirely out of the realm of possibilities.  Next week, we start our weekly check-ups with Duckie and we finally have our Labor & Delivery class.  We're also going on a little baby-moon the night before, and really "live it up" before our lives change forever.  Ha! 

Monday, October 17, 2011

Thirty Four Weeks

We had a VERY eventful weekend!  We had our first baby shower, hosted by my adopted Aunties.  It was so much fun and I was overwhelmed with all the gifts Baby Storms received.  Seriously, I could not believe how generous everyone was and I feel so lucky to have such amazing women in my life.  Presents came in from all over the country - my Aunt Judy sent a great carryall bag and a book called "Good Night Washington D.C." and we got more presents from my Aunt Deb and Cousin Allison in Chicago.  Not to mention all the presents that came in BEFORE the shower from Grandma Teri and all our New Jersey relatives!  And, don't even get me started on all the clothes we got as well.  This is going to be one well-dressed kid come November 24, 2011.  This tiny heavyweight is so loved and we are all anxious for him to get here, I think.

Here's a picture of all the gifts we received, laid our in our living room.  It took me a whole day to put everything away, wash and fold all the clothes, and assemble all the toys and accessories:

So, I got all the clothes washed, sorted and they are now hanging in Baby Jack's closet, waiting anxiously to be used.  He has more outfits than I do, I think.  This doesn't even do his wardrobe justice, because we also received hats, blankets, socks, and shoes as well.  He will probably take after his daddy and be a total clothes horse:

So, we also received the Diaper Genie from Great-Grandma Hartley, a high chair from the Forde Aunties, and an amazing tummy time piano mat from Auntie Jan and Auntie Debbie.  As I was taking all of this stuff out of their boxes, I realized that some minimal assembly was required.  This got me thinking.  I had a whole host of boxes upstairs in Jack's closet, including a swing, a bouncy chair, and a Pack 'n Play, and they all likely required some assembly as well.  So, I spent the day putting THAT stuff together, and here is a picture of the finished products - all of Jack's accessories!  I'm hoping they will go a long way in keeping him sleeping, warm, and dry over the long Minnesota winter months:

I am pretty proud of the finished results and these too, are anxiously awaiting use.  And, I don't need any comments about how well they're assembled!  I used all parts and tightened all screws!  

We also received a ton of books to start the Baby Storms' library, and you can see that his book shelf is filling up quickly. 

Finally, my sister painted these amazing pictures to decorate the nursery.  While I didn't initially understand what they were, exactly, I was informed that the pictures spell "J-A-C-K" using nautical flags.  My mom also gave us the mobile we registered for at Pottery Barn Kids.  So, now all we need is the rocking chair and the nursery will be complete.  I happen to think it looks really great right now:

I suppose I can finally announce that my sister is also expecting a little boy, due to arrive on March 10, 2012.  I am so excited, I can hardly stand it.  Not only will Baby Storms have a playmate close to his age, but I can't wait for the insanity that future family gatherings will involve! 

And, last but not least, here's a picture of us at thirty-four weeks:

I'm still feeling great, and I've been expanding like crazy.  Jeff was in Rhode Island over the weekend, having his "Baby Bachelor" party, and I picked him up at the airport last night.  After handing me a box of saltwater taffy, he looked at me and asked if my belly had doubled in size over the past four days.  It really feels like it has.  We also had a visit with Duckie today, just to follow-up after Friday's ultrasound.  Baby Storms is growing and I am measuring a bit ahead of my due-date.  He has short legs, which he probably inherited from me.  Or Jeff.  But, he's normal, happy, and active.  My next visit is on November 1st, and after that, I'll go in every week to monitor everything.  So, hopefully, Baby Storms will continue to keep growing, but only in terms of weight.  He's reached his maximum length by now.          

We have another shower this weekend but we are really getting close to his arrival.  I am getting so excited and can't wait until I can hold this tiny heavyweight in my arms.  And give him a stern talking-to for all the kicking.  He hasn't listened so far. 

Friday, October 14, 2011

A Quick Little Update...

We had an ultrasound this morning following Monday's appointment with Duckie.  Duckie had thought Baby Storms (and consequently, the bump) were measuring a little small for how far along I am in pregnancy.  However, the second time he measured the bump, all was well.  Still, Duckie decided to get an ultrasound, just to make sure everything was progressing.  Plus, he said it's never a bad idea to get a picture of the baby's measurements, weight, and positioning.  Well, I am very pleased to report that Baby Storms is measuring right on track!  My tiny heavyweight is now topping the scales at 5lbs 6oz...they can't tell how tall he is since he's all scrunched up.  I also made the technician confirm that we're definitely having a boy.  He's also got a full head of hair.  I can't believe they can see that sort of thing on an ultrasound, but the technician pointed it out to me, and sure enough, it looks like little blades of grass coming off of his head.  His heart beat continues to remain steady as well.  If you really want to get into the detail of things, I've also got a posterior placenta, which means that it's located at his back.  It's basically why I've been feeling him move, kick, and punch so much.  Had the placenta been anterior, it would have acted like a cushion, making the jabs and pokes much less apparent. 

I got a close up of his face as well, and I have to say that I think he looks a lot like me.  He still has Jeff's nose, but it looked like he had my mouth and forehead.  Jeff says we'll just have to wait and see because he doesn't really think you can tell that sort of thing on an ultrasound.  I secretly hope he looks exactly like Jeff because he's just so handsome...I don't know that I'd make a very handsome boy...

So, here is Baby Storms' final in utero picture...the next one I post of him will be after he's been born - and we only have five weeks and six days to go! 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Thirty-Three Weeks

I had been waiting to post an update, as we were scheduled to meet with Duckie today for just a little check-up and check-in to see how things are going. 

Well, the good news is that I've put on three pounds since my last appointment - which is a really good thing, especially since I haven't really gained that much weight.  My blood pressure is normal, and the baby's heartbeat is very strong.  However, during the first measurement today, Duckie thought he might be a little small for how far along I am.  During some additional examination, however, he found that the baby has actually stretched out his home, so it looks like a gourd.  His butt is up in my left rib cage, his feet are on my right side, and his head is down around my belly button.  So, he's kind of in a pike position.  After the second measurement, I was right on track.  Still, Duckie ordered another ultrasound, just to make sure he's growing like he should.  It's nothing to be worried about, and I guess its fairly common just to do a weight and height check in the later weeks of pregnancy, since babies can vary so much.  So, we've got that scheduled for Friday.  I'm just excited that I get another sneak peek at my tiny heavyweight!  We follow up with Duckie next week for the ultrasound results, but Duckie said not to worry and so I'm not going to!   

Other than that, we had a great weekend!  Seriously, I am so lucky.  I can't believe how amazing my friends and family are.  We celebrated my dad's and my birthday on Friday night with dinner at Interlachen, followed by cake and presents at my parents' house.  I got a great pair of boots from my parents and a nice gift certificate from my sister and brother-in-law.  For my post-baby shopping spree, of course!  On Saturday, I had my girlfriends and their kids up for brunch to see the new house and have a mini-birthday celebration.  We had a great time and I had so much fun playing with everyone.  The kids loved the basement (since there's no furniture down there!) which meant running laps and a rousing game of chase.  Then, it was outside to examine all the fishies in the pond and building leaf piles to jump in.  The day was concluded by a dance party, led by Ms. Etta Rae, to Beyonce's "Single Ladies."  I also put in a lot of quality cuddle time with Baby Ella, who allowed me to hold her while she napped. 

Yesterday, Jeff and I went to brunch at a place in Northeast Minneapolis and we were able to sit outside at a table by the river.  I don't know that I've ever been able to say that at this time of year.  The weather was absolutely amazing.  Then, we headed to Apple Jack's Orchard with a bunch of our friends and picked some apples...which I later turned in to cobbler and crisp.  I got so many birthday cards and phone calls yesterday that I still feel all warm and fuzzy inside. 

Presents for Baby Jack continue to arrive by the truckload, seriously.  We got a bouncy chair from Uncle Chris and Aunt Kate, a sling from Auntie Weiss, and a stroller cover from my Aunt Deb.  I also have my first baby shower this weekend and I am so excited.  We're really getting down to the final weeks of this pregnancy and I'm still having fun.  Sort of. 

Here we are at thirty-three weeks:

If my belly looks mis-shaped, it's because that it probably is.  He's moving around in there all the time, trying to find a comfortable position, it would seem.  As a result, it's not unusual to get an elbow, knee or a butt sticking out at various spots on my stomach.  It's the coolest thing in the world.  I can actually feel his arms and legs if I'm lying down.  In addition, I don't think my belly button will ever revert to its "innie" status.  Gross, I know...but it happens.

The Braxton-Hicks contractions are getting to be more frequent.  Its nothing to be concerned about, so long as they don't start occurring at regular, five minute intervals over the course of an hour (hint, that's how you know you're in labor if your water doesn't break!).  The contractions get pretty intense if I walk up a hill or take a flight of stairs too quickly.  It's kind of humbling - I was used to running for miles and now I get stabbing pains - not to mention winded - walking up to the bedroom.  Lame.  The baby is now over five pounds and can be up to twenty-two inches in length.  He's as big as a pineapple.  His fingernails are also apparently long and he'll need a manicure when he's born.  It kind of skeeves me out to think that, with how active he's been, that is probably scratching the heck out of my insides.  Super. 

I'm finally getting to the point where I'd like to no longer be pregnant.  Don't get me wrong - I still want this guy cooking for a few more weeks, but I miss being able to lie on my stomach, or flat on my back, for that matter.  I miss my abdominal muscles, I miss a nice beer.  I miss not waddling when I walk.  I miss all the clothes that I can't wear.  But, I am looking forward to getting the old "me" back - or at least returning to a semi-normal pre-pregnancy status.    

Still, I can't believe the sense of peace that has settled over me.  I don't know how it happens, but I seem to wake up happier than I was the day before.  They always say you don't know what you've got until it's gone, but you also don't know what you've been missing until it arrives.  I've been blessed so much this past year and I had to do a lot of growing up.  I know life won't be sunshine and rainbows all the time, but they're here now so I'm going to enjoy them.     

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Thirty Two Weeks

I've started counting down the weeks until Baby Storms' arrival, as opposed to counting up.  I've pretty much finished with the nursery this past weekend and my mom and I made some excellent progress and did some great damage at Pottery Barn Kids.  We will still need to get some wall decorations and we're waiting on the bedding and the gliding/rocking chair, which was a very generous gift from Grandma and Grandpa Kopperud.  I'll need to move some of the furniture around when it finally comes in, but at a minimum, we have a place to put the baby, curtains to block out the sunlight for naps, and a table to change countless diapers...

I am pretty excited with how everything turned out and I'm even more anxious to get the bedding and rocking chair in as well.  My parents have been a great help in getting everything ready.  My mom has spent endless hours with me, looking for the right rugs, curtains, and chairs, and my dad has done his duty with hanging up everything and teaching Jeff about home maintenance.  My parents have also been largely responsible for the ever increasing wealth of clothes that keep appearing in Baby Jack's closet.  Seriously though, I don't know how anyone can avoid buying baby clothes.  I was a little upset when we found out we were having a boy, but that was mostly because I was dreaming of pink tutus and flowered headbands.  But anyone that says that boys' clothes aren't as cute has not seen what Jack will be wearing, come Thanksgiving Day 2011.   

We also keep getting presents from Jeff's family and this past week, we got a swing and car seat cover from Great-Aunt Fran and Great Aunt-Shirley, as well as cousins Debbie and Sharon.  Cousins Gianna, Daniella, and Maria also sent a JJ Cole body support for the swing and car seat.  Auntie Weiss also sent a great outfit, complete with a hat and bib all embroidered with "Brand New" on the front.  All I can say is that I hope that goes a long way in keeping Baby Storms warm and sleeping during the long winter months...

For the most part, I'm still feeling pretty well, considering the fact that I seem to grow bigger almost by the minute.  I do find that I need naps on a semi-regular basis and I've been taking care to indulge in higher calorie foods in an effort to put on some more weight.  As Duckie says, a Dairy Queen isn't such a bad thing and fortunately, there's one about a mile from our house! 

This week, the baby has made some incredible leaps and bounds.  Both literally and figuratively.  He continues to remain impossibly active and you can see his limbs (and what I'm assuming is his baby butt) moving across my stomach.  He's almost five pounds now and could still double his birth weight - although I sincerely hope that isn't the case.  He has actual periods of sleeping and waking now, keeping his eyes open when he's awake.  His immune system has also completely developed so he'll be able to fight mild infections once he's born - although he'll have to keep building up immunity, because if I've learned anything from my girlfriends, it's that babies get sick.  A lot. 

We've also decided (although I suppose we decided a while ago) to head to my parents for Thanksgiving this year.  Jeff wanted to have it at our new place, but considering that's my due date, it's probably best to go somewhere else.  I told my mom to give me something to make or bring that people won't miss if it's not there.  Like sweet potato casserole.  Otherwise, I have plans to simply lay about, have my husband rub my feet, and generally eat my fill, if I'm able!   

Monday, September 26, 2011

Thirty-One Weeks

Well, I have not been successful in finding life's brakes yet.  Time seems to pass so quickly, that even the work week is speeding by in a blur.  I can't believe that it'll be October at the end of the week, and I'll be able to tell people that I'm due "next month."  We are getting so excited.  Jeff's latest game is to "play with the baby" - meaning he puts his hand on my belly and tries to make the baby move.  Or, in the alternative, try to make me sprint for the bathroom.  The other night, we were laying in bed and he suddenly exclaimed, "I want our baby to be here NOW!"  I couldn't agree more, although I'd like to get through October before I can really say I'm ready to hit the start button on this whole business of parenthood. 

Over the weekend, my mom and I went out and ordered our rocking chair and ottoman for the nursery and the nightstand I ordered should get delivered sometime this week.  I'm now on a desperate hunt for curtains, a rug for the nursery floor, and wall decorations.  I've got four showers in October, and so I'm hesitant to buy anything else until November.  Which is cutting it close, I know.  That being said, we've started getting packages from our New Jersey relatives and I am now the proud owner of a Pack 'n Play, thanks to Grandma Terry and a bouncy chair, courtesy of Great-Aunt Shirley.  It's so fun to come home after work and find all these packages, left at my doorstep - I should probably keep a UPS man on retainer since he's been at our house literally every day since we moved in. 

I've still got a tiny baby bump, even at thirty-one weeks.  Most people guess that I'm about four or five months pregnant, instead of almost seven and a half months along:

Still, I'll take what I can get.  Baby Jack is happy, healthy, and growing, so that's all that matters to me.  We have another appointment with Duckie this afternoon for a check-up.  I had a bad flu that started on Thursday and went through the weekend, so Duckie had to give me some antibiotics, but I feel a lot better now.  However, I did spend most of Friday and Saturday napping and sleeping.  The baby, of course, had no idea what was going on - it's only his mama who was getting her butt kicked. 

This week, Jack's digestive system has fully developed and he's as big as a head of lettuce.  He's also about nineteen inches long, and probably won't get much taller.  He keeps getting fatter, of course, and is sleeping more in preparation for delivery.  Although I can't tell.  He has his active periods, to be certain, and boy, are they active!  I also think he flipped and is now lying sideways.  At my last visit with Duckie, he was in the head down position, and now, I'm feeling pops and kicks at the tops and sides of my stomach.  But who knows?  Every once and a while, I think I'll feel a knee or a foot, but I'm probably just making all of that up. 

Jeff and I celebrated our third wedding anniversary on Saturday night with a trip to Gianni's.  I ate more food than a linebacker getting ready for game day.  Which is a good thing.  Also, according to custom, leather is the appropriate gift for a third wedding anniversary.  Neither Jeff or I are "surprise" people - we usually like to know what's going on and what to expect.  But, I had to laugh when we both discovered that we had planned on buying each other leather whips to commemorate the occasion.  Does it mean we're still perfect for each other or do we have some unresolved issues of control?  You decide.   

We also closed on our townhouse this morning, and I can now say that our moving process is officially over.  It's a relief, frankly, although I did walk out of the closing with bittersweet feelings this morning.  But, like I've said before, we have so many great things ahead of us, that there's really no reason to feel anything but nostalgic over it all. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Thirty Weeks

If this pregnancy had a soundtrack, then I'd be jamming out to legendary '80s hit, "The Final Countdown" by the one-hit-wonder band, Europe.  We've got less than ten weeks to go and now the fun really starts.  We had a busy weekend.  Jeff and I went out for "sushi" at the Mall of America and then spent some time wandering around.  We ended up in Carter's, and bought the baby three new outfits.  It was so fun to watch Jeff shop for baby clothes.  I'd be at one end of the store and he'd be screaming for me to come and look at something he'd found.  He also kept asking why I wasn't buying "newborn" clothes, since that's what we'll have in just a few short weeks.  I showed him the label that says the clothing is made for infants up to eight pounds and told him that the baby would probably grow out of that size in utereo!  We did buy some "essentials," including another bear hat (which we're both obsessed with apparently, since he's got THREE of them now), and an outfit for the Superbowl.  Yes, we're crazy, but it's so much fun to buy clothes.  After Carter's, we headed down to The Loop for a friend's birthday party.  We didn't stay long, mostly because I was pretty tired, and to be honest, it's a little weird being really pregnant in a bar.  People look at the belly and then immediately shift focus to the drink (Sprite, by the way) in your hand.  Judgemental little bastards out there, I tell you.  

On Saturday, I met my girlfriends and their babies for brunch and had the best time.  Seriously, I think my girlfriends have some of the cutest kids in the world.  And again, I don't know what I'd do without them.  They have been an amazing resource through this whole process.  I met my mom afterwards to look at rocking chairs for the nursery.  Which leads me to updated pictures of the baby's room.  I finally got the changing table together: 


As you can tell, we're getting closer and closer to being finished with the nursery.  He's already got his Sophie giraffe (thanks, Auntie Lindsey!) and a number of receiving blankets, already monogrammed (thanks, Auntie Brenda!).  I've still got to put the finishing touches on everything, but we're getting there!  I also remembered to take a picture of the closet to show off how fashionable Baby Storms will be:

We have a Bumbo now too (thanks, Auntie Kelly!) and Jeff bought me a diaper bag as well.  In related news, the invitations for the showers have started to go out as well and I've got four scheduled for October.  I just can't believe how lucky I am and how loved this baby already is.  

In pregnancy-related news, I'm definitely starting to feel some unpleasant side effects.  I don't know if it's the weather, the extra weight I'm carrying, or a combination of something else, but my joints are getting stiff.  When I wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, I feel like a penguin or Frankenstein, shuffling straight-legged to the bathroom.  It wears off after I wake up and move around for a bit, but it's getting a little uncomfortable.  We also had our thirty-week appointment with Duckie last week, and everything is going well.  I've only gained eight pounds, which isn't too concerning, since the baby continues to grow by leaps and bounds.  By Duckie's estimation, Baby Storms is about four pounds and in the downward facing position.  I'm hoping he stays that way for a few weeks yet!  So, here we are at thirty weeks:

Duckie told me not to worry about the baby's somewhat aggressive kicks.  His feet have remained permanently lodged in my rib cage and he is getting quite strong.  It hurts, actually, and takes my breath away for a few minutes when he really gets going.  He's somewhat ahead of the growing scale and bigger than most babies are at thirty weeks (which is why we're shying away from newborn clothes).  He's over eighteen inches in length this week and learning how to make faces and suck his thumb.  

I had the opportunity on Friday to go over and see my girlfriend, Catie, and her new baby girl, Ella.  Seriously, that girl is a little doll, she is so beautiful.  Catie also had some wonderful maternity dresses to pass along for me, so I killed two birds with one stone.  I got quite emotional, holding Baby Ella, who was so tiny and so perfect.  I am really getting excited to meet our tiny heavyweight in just a few more weeks.  Still, after I put down Ella (mind you, after probably a solid hour of holding and cuddling), my arm was a little tired and I decided I needed to work on my baby-holding muscles!   

Monday, September 12, 2011

Twenty Nine Weeks

It's fall - the air feels crisp, it's getting darker earlier, and the leaves are just starting to change color.  I love this time of year.  Although we're getting a taste of something we never had to do last year - clean up leaves!  We are so lucky to have some really beautiful and old trees at our new house, but they make for a lot of garbage.  Still, its a great excuse to get outside, enjoy the crisp air and get some exercise - for Jeff!  I've become mistress of our domain and I've been frantically getting the baby's room ready.  

I finished our registry on Saturday.  For those interested, I registered primarily at Babies 'R Us and Target.  I also have a few items on Pottery Barn Kids.  In completing this process, I almost had a total meltdown in Babies 'R Us.  Apparently, I picked the wrong weekend to register.  It was the "grand opening" of the new Toys 'R Us/Babies 'R Us SUPERSTORE and it was a total madhouse.  I was so grateful that I had brought my iPod and headphones because I could actually drown out the hoards of screaming and crying children.  Just wait, I know...but I've got some time yet.  

In any case, the baby's crib came in  and Jeff and I made an inaugural trip to Ikea this weekend to pick up a bookshelf.  I am very proud to say that I put both pieces of furniture together and they are steady.  And, I didn't have any leftover pieces at all!

The changing table and dresser should arrive today and my mom and I are going out this weekend to look for rocking chairs.  I'll need an end table and curtains and then I think we'll be set!  I've got four showers in October, and I'll pick up everything else we need after that.  I will say that the whole process of registering for our showers has really overwhelmed me.  I know there are the essentials (i.e. crib, car seat, stroller) but I'm always concerned that there are other "essentials" that I have no clue about.  I'm lucky to have such great girlfriends, who sent me charging into the unknown with a very handy shopping list.   

The baby's closet is also starting to fill up.  I should actually take a picture of that to put up here.  He's got more shoes than I do!  Hopefully, I can remember that for next week.  

And, here we are at the end of our twenties (weeks, that is):

We have our thirty week appointment today.  I don't think anything exciting will happen beyond a heart beat check, measurements, and a weight check.  I will say that this baby is strong.  His feet have been lodged up on my right side, in my rib cage for about a week now.  Last Friday, he kicked me so hard that he knocked the wind out of me and for a few minutes, I thought he had cracked a rib.  In the end, I think he just bruised me but I did have a tough time breathing over the weekend.  Regardless, I think it's because the baby is sitting up so high, he's actually resting on my diaphragm and lungs.  We'll still mention it to Duckie today, though. 

This week, the baby's brain has kicked into high development.  One of the things I didn't know is that when a baby's brain develops, it's smooth.  It isn't until this week that it gets the "wrinkles" and takes on the appearance of a normal human brain.  Apparently, this is to allow for an increased amount of brain tissue, which is obviously important.  Additionally, the baby's bone marrow now takes over the production of red blood cells which is an essential step, as he will be better able to thrive once he is born.  His body temperature is also being regulated by his own body fat and brain now.  He's also as big as a butternut squash and weighing in at over three pounds.  He continues to remain active and reminds me of his presence almost constantly.  He's big enough now that you can actually feel his feet from outside my stomach.  This is something that has fascinated Jeff to no end.  And, unless it's happening in the middle of the night, I think it's pretty amazing too.  

One of the things I anticipated but really do not appreciate are the "belly touchers" out there.  If you've been pregnant, you know what I mean.  I'm perfectly okay with a belly rubbing - as long as one asks!  I find it very odd that there are a number of people out in this world that think it's okay to just reach up and rub a person's stomach.  It seems to be a very intrusive gesture.  Perhaps the thought is that the stomach is no longer "mine" but the baby's...still...just ask.  I was in the check out line at Target the other day and this woman just came up and started cooing about the belly (as if I was either a dog or a three year old) and then grabbed my stomach on BOTH sides.  I wanted to reach out and rub her belly to see how she liked it.   

And finally, somewhat unrelated, I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the ten year passing of September 11.  Years ago, back when I was in grade school, I remember we had an assignment to ask our parents where they were when they found out JFK was assassinated.  I suppose, at some point, our children will have a similar assignment and ask us where we were when we found out about the attacks on New York City and Washington.  The pastor at church brought this up yesterday, and asked each of us to recount where we were when we heard "The News."  My dad, somewhat sardonically, muttered under his breath, "Uh, Tower Two."  

Jeff and I spent a long time at my parents house yesterday after church, just talking about that day.  It's been an incredibly painful subject to discuss over the past ten years, for obvious reasons, I suppose.  I never really thought about how that made my dad feel.  But yesterday, I learned a lot about what he went through that day and the days following.  I guess it will always be something difficult to remember and talk about, but yesterday, I think I was finally ready to hear his story.  And one day, when he's old enough, I'll share his grandpa's with Jack too.      

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Twenty Eight Weeks

Last week, I was still a resident of downtown Minneapolis and this week, we've entered into "The Great Suburban Experiment."  That's what Jeff calls it, at least.  And let me tell you this - I don't know that anyone really likes moving, but I hate it.  In fact, I don't even think "hate" is a strong enough word.  As we have been going through this while process over the summer, I have told Jeff repeatedly that the only way I'm ever leaving this house is in a body bag.  We closed on the house on September 1st and took the rest of the long weekend off to move and unpack.  Jeff's brother came to help us out and I don't know what we would have done without him.  He was a real trooper and helped me clean out the fridge too, which made me quite happy.  We have settled in, for the most part.  There are still a few boxes in the garage that need to be unpacked and organized, pictures to be hung and furniture to buy.  It doesn't really feel like "home" yet and I kept saying to Jeff that I felt like we were on vacation.  I think I need to make a few meals in the kitchen and take a few naps on the couch before I really feel settled in. 

And, here's a picture of Jeff and I in front of our new house.  We have big plans to make the house feel like "ours" but the nice thing is that those plans can be longer-term.  There is nothing that needs to be fixed, replaced, or repaired in the immediate future, so we can focus on getting settled and getting ready for November. 

I also started ordering the furniture for the nursery.  So far, I've got a crib and a changing table.  I've still got to get a rug, bookcase and a rocking chair.  But, my dad did paint the room last weekend and if I think of it, I'll make sure to take a picture.  It looks kind of ridiculous right now. 

So, below is a picture of Jack and I at twenty-eight weeks.  I am really grateful that I am not very big yet because it would have just made this process all that more difficult.  I've still got a ton of energy and I think the "nesting instinct" has kicked in full force because I want this house to be perfect.  In the alternative, I might just be a lunatic.  

Baby Jack and I continue to grow.  As my mom said last night, I'm definately starting to look pregnant and I'm finally getting a "tunka."  I'm assuming that means a baby belly.  The baby is three pounds this week, so he's really picking up steam in the weight-gaining process.  He's also seventeen inches long, and about as long as he'll get when he's born.  It's funny, I can tell that the baby is long because when he moves, I feel it at opposite ends of my stomach.  I'm also supposed to do "kick counts" twice daily.  I should lie down and count fetal movements.  The goal is to get ten movements in an hour.  Its also a nice excuse to rest.  I did this a few times over the weekend, and at one point, I counted twelve movements in about four and a half minutes.  So, he's an active little bugger to be sure.  He's also been a real trooper through this whole moving process, letting me work without any of those really awful pregnancy symptoms. 
So, hopefully by the next time I update, I'll have some pictures of the nursery - but be aware - it is a work in progress.  Until then, if anyone needs some boxes, let me know. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Twenty Seven Weeks

When I first found out I was pregnant, I could hardly wait until the next week when I would be even further along in pregnancy, and I couldn't wait to update the blog with my latest pregnant news.  Now, I feel like I'm looking around for the breaks, begging time to slow down just so I can fit everything in.  This week is big for us - we close on our new house on Thursday and we move in on Friday.  I can't believe that at this time next week, I'll be living in a new house, sleeping in a new room, and cooking in a new kitchen.  Not to mention my new and unimproved commute.  Still, it will be a good change, although I am completely nostalgic about leaving downtown and this house in particular.  Since I moved in, however, I don't know that I've ever stopped complaining about the house or holding my breath because it seems like the house falls apart on an annual basis - but wait, don't tell that to our buyers.  I just chalk it up to the joys of home-owning and I'm sure that will carry forward to our new place - the endless list of things to fix, paint, repair, decorate or mow.  But now that we're leaving our little downtown abode, I've been remembering all the great memories.  Jeff proposed to me on our front porch.  That's where we lived when we planned our wedding and our first home together as a married couple.  It's the only house Maverick has ever known and I've spent countless summer days and nights sitting and reading on our front porch. 

I know, I know...We've got a lot of really great memories in store for us at our new place.  Objectively, I'll be glad when we've finally gotten rid of our place downtown and I know the memories will never leave.  Still doesn't make me want to leave it though.   

In any case, the frantic packing has started.  When I started getting our place ready to sell back in June, I was just getting into my second trimester and the bump was nonexistent.  Now, at almost twenty-eight weeks pregnant, I'm encountering a whole new set of challenges, such as whether I will be able to stand upright after bending over.  Still, I'm feeling great and the baby seems to get more active by the day. 

So, here we are at twenty-seven weeks.  Like I said, this kid seems to grow more active by the day.  I've become fascinated with watching my stomach.  It seriously looks like a scene out of Alien.  Jeff tells me that he half-expects some drooly, slimy monster to come poking its head out.  I suppose in some interpretations of that, he's probably right.  I kid, I kid, sort of.  I actually expect this kid to be born knowing how to run, flip and karate chop.  Actually, this week, he's as big as a head of cauliflower, and almost sixteen inches from top to bottom.  He knows how to blink, suck, and breathe.  His lungs are almost completely developed.  And, amazingly, he's weighing in at two and a half pounds.  I remember that I couldn't believe all of that was going on inside, but based upon what I'm seeing and feeling, this kid is definitely making his presence known. 

While moving and moving-related concerns have topped my list, I'm actually getting anxious to get into our new house so I can start decorating and setting up the baby's room.  I have been woefully negligent in purchasing furniture or any baby-related items, mostly because we haven't had any room.  That will change shortly and I can't wait to create a home for my tiny heavyweight.  I think I'll be able to rest easier knowing that I actually have a crib to put him in, and clothes for him to wear.  I know he probably won't care too much, but I will!