Sunday, November 6, 2011

Thirty-Seven Weeks

Another week down, and we are seven days closer to Baby Storms' arrival.  All my books say that he could come at any point in time, although I'm not seeing any signs of impending labor.  Since we're so close to our due date, we have another appointment with Duckie on Tuesday to check on the baby and look for any developing signs of labor.  I'm not optimistic.     

We had another busy, baby-related weekend and spent way too much money on things that I think we'll need for the hospital.  On Friday night, Jeff and I went on a mini "baby-moon" and had a nice dinner out.  Well, Jeff had a nice dinner.  He had prime rib.  I decided that I had to eat a cheeseburger and french fries.  Yum.  We also went shopping for nursing tank tops and clothes for me to wear in and home from the hospital.  My girlfriends call them "mom clothes" and I am really excited to wear them because they all look and feel so soft and comfortable. 

On Saturday, Jeff and I woke up early and went to our Labor & Delivery class.  For your information, I hated it.  I hated it so much that I actually made Jeff leave at the lunch break and we didn't go back.  The class was held in a small, windowless classroom and all the "students" had to sit on these rock hard, plastic chairs.  The instructor then proceeded to talk at us for four hours.  Straight.  There was little to no interaction with the teacher or other members of the class.  It was miserable.  In addition to the fact that the class was really boring, I also sat next to a prospective father that smelled like moldy, rotten cheese.  He looked like he hadn't showered in several days and hadn't washed his clothes in several weeks.  I know I'm being catty, but it was awful.  Frankly, it's tough to expect anyone to sit still during a four hour lecture, but asking a woman, who is nine months pregnant, to sit on a plastic chair next to Captain Stink continuously for four solid hours is just ridiculous.  My back started hurting after the first two hours and it only got worse as the class went on.  So, at the lunch break, Jeff and I went to the Mall of America and walked laps until I felt better.  And we didn't go back.  Afterwards, we went to Target and picked up everything else we needed to take to the hospital and grabbed a bite to eat.  However, I still felt like I smelled the moldy cheese man all day, so I took a long, hot bath when I got home.

On the morning before our class, Jeff woke up early and went to a step aerobics (yes, that's correct - not a typo) class at Lifetime Fitness.  True to form, he was over ten minutes late in picking me up for class.  He promised me that he'd still get us there in time, but as we crossed under Highway 169, our progress was slowed by a set of blue and red flashing lights in our rear view mirror.  We pulled over and I strongly considered playing the "I'm in labor" card, but we were honest with the officer and told him we were just on our way to class.  While I was convinced Jeff was going to get a ticket, the officer came back with a warning and made us promise that we'd spread good stories about the Eden Prairie police offer who let us go.  He also made a special request that we put the warning citation in the baby's scrapbook.  So, Officer, this is for you:

This image has been removed at the request of Daddy Storms

On Sunday, we had another productive day.  We went to and walked around HOM Furniture for a few hours, getting decorating ideas for the basement, office, and formal living room.  Believe it or not, we went there at Jeff's suggestion!  I also finished packing our hospital bags, and did a bunch of other chores around the house.  My girlfriend, Cristin, came up with her little boy and her mom, and dropped off their present for Baby Storms.  Together, they made the most beautiful quilt for Jack. 

You might not be able to tell from the picture, but the quilt squares are little sailboats and nautical flags.  The colors also go perfectly in the nursery.  I have been looking forward to this gift my entire pregnancy, and I am so excited because it's truly the "finishing touch" to Baby Storms' room.  I can't wait to wrap him up in it and will make a perfect blanket for some "tummy time."  I love the quilt so much that I am afraid that Jack will ruin it, even though I know its unreasonable to assume that the blanket will be able to make it through his infancy unscathed. 

Finally, I've put up a picture of Baby Jack and I at thirty-seven weeks.  We've got only eighteen days until our due date.  Jeff says that he can tell my belly is lower now, and I feel like I keep expanding.  I also developed an abdominal hernia, but it doesn't hurt.  It's also pretty common in later pregnancy.  My biggest complaint is that my back continues to hurt quite a bit.  I am sure there's still some residual pain left over from my fall last week, but Baby Storms seems to have found my sciatic nerve and it feels like he's using it as a yo-yo. 

With that exception, I'm still happy and excited, however...and I wait anxiously every day for any kind of sign of labor.  All in its own time, I know, but I can't wait to meet this little man.  My tiny heavyweight.

Finally, I wanted to take a minute and recognize my unsung hero. I know I spend a lot of time teasing him and it may not sound like I give him much credit, but I do not know where I would be without my husband. He has been absolutely incredible during this pregnancy and I feel so lucky to be his wife. He has been supportive, attentive, and has given me unconditional love and encouragement when I have needed it most. More importantly, he keeps me grounded and focused on what's most important in our lives. I wake up every morning, loving him more than I did the day before, and I am so proud of the incredible man that he is becoming for our child. Over these last nine months, our marriage has gotten better than I had ever hoped and I can't wait to tackle the next seventy years with him. He will be an incredible father and will be a wonderful role model for our son. He will teach him to work hard, support him in every way possible, and will love him unconditionally. I can't wait to see the bond that grows between Jack and Jeff. I could go on and on, but prolonged sentimentality makes him uncomfortable, so I'll just stop. I just hope he knows what an incredible man I think he is.       

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