Monday, November 28, 2011

Forty Weeks and Four Days...

Well, I may have jinxed myself last week because I'm STILL pregnant.  Going past the due date makes me feel like I ran a marathon and was told at the finish line that I still have another ten miles to go.  I go back to the doctor tomorrow for another check-up and we'll discuss and schedule induction at that time.  Seriously, these past few weeks have felt like the longest of my life!  The idea of even waiting a few more days seems like an eternity.  I am so ready to meet this little monster and I am SO ready to be "un-pregnant" again.  In addition to the fact that I am a crazy-contraction machine, I have morphed into some kind of turtle.  Meaning, if I get into a certain position, I can't seem to right myself.  Mostly, it happens if I'm laying on the couch.  It's a huge chore to stand up and requires an incredible amount of effort. 

In any case, here we are at forty weeks and four days...

We had our forty week appointment with Duckie last week, and things are "progressing" which basically means a lot of gross labor-related terms that no one really needs to hear about.  The baby still seems to be having a party, and continues to remain active, which is still a good sign. 

Other than that, we had a nice long weekend.  Obviously, on Thursday, we went to my parents' house for Thanksgiving.  I was feeling terribly that day, and I felt like I was going to jump out of my skin.  Mostly, smells and sensations were driving me crazy and I ended up getting sick just before dinner.  While that did make me feel better, I remained cranky for the rest of the day, unfortunately.  On Friday, Jeff and I went out to the Mall of America (no, we're not crazy!) and walked laps around the mall, doing some Christmas shopping and trying to get some sort of labor started.  Obviously, it didn't work.  We did get home in time to watch the 5A Prep Sports State Football Championship, where my alma mater, Eden Prairie High School, took home the title.  Go Eagles! 

On Saturday, I ended up putting up all our Christmas decorations - both inside AND outside - and wrapped the presents we had gotten at the mall the day before.  The house looks so nice now.  I also washed every article of clothing that was even remotely dirty, remade all the beds, cleaned out the fridge, and watched Elf (the first of many viewings this holiday season).  Yesterday, I went to a birthday party for my girlfriend's little boy, in the hopes that being around children would spur on labor.  Obviously, it didn't work. 

Today, I slept in as late as I possibly could, got up and came in to work.  I'm actually happy to be here, believe it or not, as it gives me something to do beyond sitting in my house, waiting for nothing.  Plus, it also extends my maternity leave by a few days, and that's something I'll appreciate around the end of February.  

If there's any news to report following my appointment with Duckie tomorrow, I'll try and post an update if I can.  At this point in time, I think that Jeff and I have given up on the idea that I'll go into labor naturally.  I think I'm going to need a little push from modern medicine.  Until then, if you don't hear from me, it doesn't mean I'm in labor - it just means that I don't want to think or talk about WHEN or IF Baby Storms is going to grace us with his presence.  Trust me, the world will know when he arrives.     

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