Monday, November 21, 2011

Thirty-Nine Weeks (alternatively titled, my breaking point?)

Well, we are three days away from Thanksgiving and our due date.  We have officially reached our breaking point, I think.  By far and away, this is the worst part of pregnancy.  I would take another week of morning sickness and exhaustion over what I'm going through right now.  Basically, I started having contractions since Thursday night and they haven't stopped.  They were so regular that we went to the hospital on Friday, thinking I was in labor, only to be slapped on the butt and sent home.  Since that time, I haven't been able to sleep for more than an hour and I'm up all the time with really consistent contractions.  They're every five to fifteen minutes apart and keep going.  All.  The.  Time.  So, I called the doctor again last night and they admitted me to the hospital for "exhaustion" and a good night's rest - a la Lindsay Lohan.  Basically, they knocked me out, medically speaking, of course.  I didn't really sleep that well, mostly because I was in an unfamiliar environment, and there's really nothing to be done about the contractions.  So, after a restless night and an absolute lack of progress, they slapped me on the butt and sent me home.  Again.  Today, I actually got in some good, solid rest.  The doctor also gave me some medicine to help me sleep tonight as well, although I am still a little groggy from laying prostrate on the couch for six hours. 

So, that's what has been going on this past week.  The hospital bags have been packed, I've done as much laundry as can be done, the house is clean, the bills are paid - and there's nothing to do but wait for Baby Storms to arrive. 

So, there we are at thirty-nine weeks.  You can tell he's in the "locked and ready" position.  We go back to see Duckie tomorrow.  I'm going to tell him to get things going.  I really can't take this any more.  I'm going to try and limp through the rest of this week with respect to work, try and make it through Thanksgiving and then I'm actively thinking thoughts of baby.  I have to tell you, if I'm still pregnant by this time next week, I'm not going to send Baby Jack to college.  Mark my words. 

So, this may be the last update I'll make unless I make it through to Thanksgiving.  Which would not bode well for anyone around me. 

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