Tuesday, November 15, 2011

An Update from Duckie...

We had our thirty-eight week appointment with Duckie today...even though I'm only NINE days away from my due date!  Unfortunately, Baby Storms made no progress towards joining us in this world over the past week.  The good news is that he continues to grow, as do I, and I added another two centimeters to the ever expanding baby bump over the past seven days.  I also gained two pounds, which is unusual during the last few weeks of pregnancy, so Duckie said that I'm still cooking Baby Jack and he wouldn't be surprised if I sailed right past Thanksgiving.  His head is also still "floating" around and hasn't "engaged" yet in my pelvic region, so he is still happy where he is and doesn't have any immediate plans to change venues. 

Duckie also "played" with Baby Storms at our visit.  He would poke my stomach and try to get the baby to move.  I'm pleased to report that Jack responded very well, and his heart beat increased with his movement.  Duckie told me that it's a good sign and that I have a very healthy and responsive baby growing inside me. 

So, I've got another appointment next Tuesday to check on my progress.  I also made an appointment for November 29th, mostly because I'm realistic and I know this kid isn't joining us in the next nine days.  I think I've said this before, but I am betting he comes on December 1st.  But, I was so convinced that Baby Storms was a girl for the first twenty weeks of his life, I hope I'm just as wrong about this! 

1 comment:

  1. I realize at this point you're ready to be done, but try and enjoy the fact that his head is floating. A certain small friend of mine had her head engaged by about 25 weeks and I can't say it's a comfortable way to function. For now, go to Target alone, pee alone, and listen to the quiet. :)

    And when he does fall out, if you want visitors, I'm always up for snorgling!
