Monday, November 28, 2011

Forty Weeks and Four Days...

Well, I may have jinxed myself last week because I'm STILL pregnant.  Going past the due date makes me feel like I ran a marathon and was told at the finish line that I still have another ten miles to go.  I go back to the doctor tomorrow for another check-up and we'll discuss and schedule induction at that time.  Seriously, these past few weeks have felt like the longest of my life!  The idea of even waiting a few more days seems like an eternity.  I am so ready to meet this little monster and I am SO ready to be "un-pregnant" again.  In addition to the fact that I am a crazy-contraction machine, I have morphed into some kind of turtle.  Meaning, if I get into a certain position, I can't seem to right myself.  Mostly, it happens if I'm laying on the couch.  It's a huge chore to stand up and requires an incredible amount of effort. 

In any case, here we are at forty weeks and four days...

We had our forty week appointment with Duckie last week, and things are "progressing" which basically means a lot of gross labor-related terms that no one really needs to hear about.  The baby still seems to be having a party, and continues to remain active, which is still a good sign. 

Other than that, we had a nice long weekend.  Obviously, on Thursday, we went to my parents' house for Thanksgiving.  I was feeling terribly that day, and I felt like I was going to jump out of my skin.  Mostly, smells and sensations were driving me crazy and I ended up getting sick just before dinner.  While that did make me feel better, I remained cranky for the rest of the day, unfortunately.  On Friday, Jeff and I went out to the Mall of America (no, we're not crazy!) and walked laps around the mall, doing some Christmas shopping and trying to get some sort of labor started.  Obviously, it didn't work.  We did get home in time to watch the 5A Prep Sports State Football Championship, where my alma mater, Eden Prairie High School, took home the title.  Go Eagles! 

On Saturday, I ended up putting up all our Christmas decorations - both inside AND outside - and wrapped the presents we had gotten at the mall the day before.  The house looks so nice now.  I also washed every article of clothing that was even remotely dirty, remade all the beds, cleaned out the fridge, and watched Elf (the first of many viewings this holiday season).  Yesterday, I went to a birthday party for my girlfriend's little boy, in the hopes that being around children would spur on labor.  Obviously, it didn't work. 

Today, I slept in as late as I possibly could, got up and came in to work.  I'm actually happy to be here, believe it or not, as it gives me something to do beyond sitting in my house, waiting for nothing.  Plus, it also extends my maternity leave by a few days, and that's something I'll appreciate around the end of February.  

If there's any news to report following my appointment with Duckie tomorrow, I'll try and post an update if I can.  At this point in time, I think that Jeff and I have given up on the idea that I'll go into labor naturally.  I think I'm going to need a little push from modern medicine.  Until then, if you don't hear from me, it doesn't mean I'm in labor - it just means that I don't want to think or talk about WHEN or IF Baby Storms is going to grace us with his presence.  Trust me, the world will know when he arrives.     

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thirty-Nine Weeks (alternatively titled, my breaking point?)

Well, we are three days away from Thanksgiving and our due date.  We have officially reached our breaking point, I think.  By far and away, this is the worst part of pregnancy.  I would take another week of morning sickness and exhaustion over what I'm going through right now.  Basically, I started having contractions since Thursday night and they haven't stopped.  They were so regular that we went to the hospital on Friday, thinking I was in labor, only to be slapped on the butt and sent home.  Since that time, I haven't been able to sleep for more than an hour and I'm up all the time with really consistent contractions.  They're every five to fifteen minutes apart and keep going.  All.  The.  Time.  So, I called the doctor again last night and they admitted me to the hospital for "exhaustion" and a good night's rest - a la Lindsay Lohan.  Basically, they knocked me out, medically speaking, of course.  I didn't really sleep that well, mostly because I was in an unfamiliar environment, and there's really nothing to be done about the contractions.  So, after a restless night and an absolute lack of progress, they slapped me on the butt and sent me home.  Again.  Today, I actually got in some good, solid rest.  The doctor also gave me some medicine to help me sleep tonight as well, although I am still a little groggy from laying prostrate on the couch for six hours. 

So, that's what has been going on this past week.  The hospital bags have been packed, I've done as much laundry as can be done, the house is clean, the bills are paid - and there's nothing to do but wait for Baby Storms to arrive. 

So, there we are at thirty-nine weeks.  You can tell he's in the "locked and ready" position.  We go back to see Duckie tomorrow.  I'm going to tell him to get things going.  I really can't take this any more.  I'm going to try and limp through the rest of this week with respect to work, try and make it through Thanksgiving and then I'm actively thinking thoughts of baby.  I have to tell you, if I'm still pregnant by this time next week, I'm not going to send Baby Jack to college.  Mark my words. 

So, this may be the last update I'll make unless I make it through to Thanksgiving.  Which would not bode well for anyone around me. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

An Update from Duckie...

We had our thirty-eight week appointment with Duckie today...even though I'm only NINE days away from my due date!  Unfortunately, Baby Storms made no progress towards joining us in this world over the past week.  The good news is that he continues to grow, as do I, and I added another two centimeters to the ever expanding baby bump over the past seven days.  I also gained two pounds, which is unusual during the last few weeks of pregnancy, so Duckie said that I'm still cooking Baby Jack and he wouldn't be surprised if I sailed right past Thanksgiving.  His head is also still "floating" around and hasn't "engaged" yet in my pelvic region, so he is still happy where he is and doesn't have any immediate plans to change venues. 

Duckie also "played" with Baby Storms at our visit.  He would poke my stomach and try to get the baby to move.  I'm pleased to report that Jack responded very well, and his heart beat increased with his movement.  Duckie told me that it's a good sign and that I have a very healthy and responsive baby growing inside me. 

So, I've got another appointment next Tuesday to check on my progress.  I also made an appointment for November 29th, mostly because I'm realistic and I know this kid isn't joining us in the next nine days.  I think I've said this before, but I am betting he comes on December 1st.  But, I was so convinced that Baby Storms was a girl for the first twenty weeks of his life, I hope I'm just as wrong about this! 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Thirty-Eight Weeks

Alternatively titled...The Calm Before the Storm...

I think that I can officially say that we're ready for Baby Storms to make his appearance, from a preparation standpoint, at least.  This past week, the baby's bedding FINALLY came in (I only ordered it in July!) and the nursery is now complete.  I also bought our stroller, car seat, and all the items on our baby list that were left.  There weren't many!  I've got our hospital bags packed, clothes washed, bottles cleaned, birthing plan made and copied...and now we wait.  I am literally a ticking time bomb.  Mentally, both Jeff and I could use a few more days to get ready before officially becoming parents.  There are lots of little (or big) things to be done at work still, for both of us, although I could leave my desk tomorrow and know my files would be well taken care of.  Jeff seems to be working at an absolutely ferocious pace, and I think he needs a few more days to get things totally squared away at the office.  Every morning, we wake up and he rolls over, looks at me, and says, "No baby today, okay?"  Thanksgiving really seems to be our official "D-Day" and I think we'll be ready to get this show on the road after that point. 

Baby Storms seems to agree with that plan, although I've had some early signs of labor.  I feel a bit like I'm in my early weeks of pregnancy again.  The thought of most food turns my stomach, and I can't seem to get enough sleep.  I had my thirty-seven week appointment with Duckie last Tuesday, and things were progressing, but he thought that I would probably go full-term.  That being said, babies have a way of coming into the world on their own terms.  Duckie said he'd seen women in clinic that hadn't progressed in labor at all in the morning and deliver in the evening.  We head back for another check-up on Tuesday.  Baby Storms has slowed down with the incessant kicking and he seems content to have his feet lodged in my rib cage.  Right now, he's rolling around and it feels like he's trying to swim downward.

Despite my never ending quest for sleep, the nesting instinct has kicked in, full throttle.  I have to-do lists - EVERYWHERE.  I was a little obsessive with lists beforehand, but it's gotten totally out of control.  I actually think I'm creating more work for myself, just so I keep myself from sitting around and going crazy.  I seem to be on some sort of quest for everything to be "perfect" in my life, so when Jack finally shows up, I will have nothing to do but focus on him.  If I was being totally objective about it, we're already there, but that doesn't stop the cleaning, cooking, organizing, and list-making!  In any case, here we are at thirty-eight weeks:

He's growing quickly, according to Duckie, and my belly grew about two centimeters last week, which is a great thing, considering that I've been measuring on the smaller side.  My back is still pretty sore, but if I get up and walk around every hour or so, it seems to keep the worst of the pain at bay. 

We also had to make our birthing plan as part of our Labor & Delivery class last week.  Jeff and I had spent a lot of time talking about what we wanted out of the experience before we actually had the class, so we were pretty prepared.  There were a lot of questions, however, that we hadn't considered - such as whether we wanted the baby vaccinated in the hospital - so we've spent some time talking over all those issues.  In short, we really want the labor process to be about the three of us - or, in reality, Jeff and I working together to bring our son into the world.  I guess we only get to go through this once, huh?  After Baby Jack is born, we want to have a big ol' party in the hospital!  We'll flip over the sign from "Do Not Disturb" to "Visitors Welcome!"      
Jeff and I are trying to get in lots of last-minute dates, when our schedules will allow it.  On Friday night, we were going to head out for dinner, but ended up getting take-out and watching an old movie on television.  Last night, we went out with our dear friends, Brendan and Lindsey, to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch some football.  Today, my brother-in-law, Alec, is coming over to help Jeff with some of the heavier chores around the house.  I am so thankful for him - he is really such a great kid and is so willing to help.  As long as I have food in the fridge and coffee in the pot, he'll do anything!  Actually, I know I've said this a dozen times, but I can never repay all the kindness we've been shown over the past nine months.  My parents have been incredibly generous and giving as we've moved and gotten settled in our new house.  I'm so grateful for all the women that threw amazing showers and all my friends and family - both near and far - that sent beautiful gifts and helped us get ready for Baby Storms' impending arrival.  This is the month for giving thanks, and I am so thankful for each and every one of them.  I don't know what we ever did to get so lucky.   

This afternoon, I have Thanksgiving with my girlfriends.  I think this is the ninth year we've gotten together and it's one of my most favorite traditions.  It has changed so much in the past few years as we've gotten better in the kitchen and with the ever growing number of babies that now join us for dinner!  I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone and playing with their children.  
In any case, I think everything will remain status quo until next week.  But, like I said...babies kind of have their own schedule, so I'll keep vigil until he gets here...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Thirty-Seven Weeks

Another week down, and we are seven days closer to Baby Storms' arrival.  All my books say that he could come at any point in time, although I'm not seeing any signs of impending labor.  Since we're so close to our due date, we have another appointment with Duckie on Tuesday to check on the baby and look for any developing signs of labor.  I'm not optimistic.     

We had another busy, baby-related weekend and spent way too much money on things that I think we'll need for the hospital.  On Friday night, Jeff and I went on a mini "baby-moon" and had a nice dinner out.  Well, Jeff had a nice dinner.  He had prime rib.  I decided that I had to eat a cheeseburger and french fries.  Yum.  We also went shopping for nursing tank tops and clothes for me to wear in and home from the hospital.  My girlfriends call them "mom clothes" and I am really excited to wear them because they all look and feel so soft and comfortable. 

On Saturday, Jeff and I woke up early and went to our Labor & Delivery class.  For your information, I hated it.  I hated it so much that I actually made Jeff leave at the lunch break and we didn't go back.  The class was held in a small, windowless classroom and all the "students" had to sit on these rock hard, plastic chairs.  The instructor then proceeded to talk at us for four hours.  Straight.  There was little to no interaction with the teacher or other members of the class.  It was miserable.  In addition to the fact that the class was really boring, I also sat next to a prospective father that smelled like moldy, rotten cheese.  He looked like he hadn't showered in several days and hadn't washed his clothes in several weeks.  I know I'm being catty, but it was awful.  Frankly, it's tough to expect anyone to sit still during a four hour lecture, but asking a woman, who is nine months pregnant, to sit on a plastic chair next to Captain Stink continuously for four solid hours is just ridiculous.  My back started hurting after the first two hours and it only got worse as the class went on.  So, at the lunch break, Jeff and I went to the Mall of America and walked laps until I felt better.  And we didn't go back.  Afterwards, we went to Target and picked up everything else we needed to take to the hospital and grabbed a bite to eat.  However, I still felt like I smelled the moldy cheese man all day, so I took a long, hot bath when I got home.

On the morning before our class, Jeff woke up early and went to a step aerobics (yes, that's correct - not a typo) class at Lifetime Fitness.  True to form, he was over ten minutes late in picking me up for class.  He promised me that he'd still get us there in time, but as we crossed under Highway 169, our progress was slowed by a set of blue and red flashing lights in our rear view mirror.  We pulled over and I strongly considered playing the "I'm in labor" card, but we were honest with the officer and told him we were just on our way to class.  While I was convinced Jeff was going to get a ticket, the officer came back with a warning and made us promise that we'd spread good stories about the Eden Prairie police offer who let us go.  He also made a special request that we put the warning citation in the baby's scrapbook.  So, Officer, this is for you:

This image has been removed at the request of Daddy Storms

On Sunday, we had another productive day.  We went to and walked around HOM Furniture for a few hours, getting decorating ideas for the basement, office, and formal living room.  Believe it or not, we went there at Jeff's suggestion!  I also finished packing our hospital bags, and did a bunch of other chores around the house.  My girlfriend, Cristin, came up with her little boy and her mom, and dropped off their present for Baby Storms.  Together, they made the most beautiful quilt for Jack. 

You might not be able to tell from the picture, but the quilt squares are little sailboats and nautical flags.  The colors also go perfectly in the nursery.  I have been looking forward to this gift my entire pregnancy, and I am so excited because it's truly the "finishing touch" to Baby Storms' room.  I can't wait to wrap him up in it and will make a perfect blanket for some "tummy time."  I love the quilt so much that I am afraid that Jack will ruin it, even though I know its unreasonable to assume that the blanket will be able to make it through his infancy unscathed. 

Finally, I've put up a picture of Baby Jack and I at thirty-seven weeks.  We've got only eighteen days until our due date.  Jeff says that he can tell my belly is lower now, and I feel like I keep expanding.  I also developed an abdominal hernia, but it doesn't hurt.  It's also pretty common in later pregnancy.  My biggest complaint is that my back continues to hurt quite a bit.  I am sure there's still some residual pain left over from my fall last week, but Baby Storms seems to have found my sciatic nerve and it feels like he's using it as a yo-yo. 

With that exception, I'm still happy and excited, however...and I wait anxiously every day for any kind of sign of labor.  All in its own time, I know, but I can't wait to meet this little man.  My tiny heavyweight.

Finally, I wanted to take a minute and recognize my unsung hero. I know I spend a lot of time teasing him and it may not sound like I give him much credit, but I do not know where I would be without my husband. He has been absolutely incredible during this pregnancy and I feel so lucky to be his wife. He has been supportive, attentive, and has given me unconditional love and encouragement when I have needed it most. More importantly, he keeps me grounded and focused on what's most important in our lives. I wake up every morning, loving him more than I did the day before, and I am so proud of the incredible man that he is becoming for our child. Over these last nine months, our marriage has gotten better than I had ever hoped and I can't wait to tackle the next seventy years with him. He will be an incredible father and will be a wonderful role model for our son. He will teach him to work hard, support him in every way possible, and will love him unconditionally. I can't wait to see the bond that grows between Jack and Jeff. I could go on and on, but prolonged sentimentality makes him uncomfortable, so I'll just stop. I just hope he knows what an incredible man I think he is.       

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Thirty Six Weeks

I know I've been making you all wait impatiently for an update, recapping the events of my thirty-sixth week of pregnancy.  But, we had an appointment with Duckie this morning and I wanted to wait to post any news from the visit.  Personally and physically, I feel like all the cliches are coming true.  I feel like I'm going to be pregnant FOREVER.  Truthfully, I think these last twenty-three days are going to just drag by, and he'll probably be late to boot!  I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas morning.  I'm ready to get this show on the road!  We've had quite a few "false starts" and a few times I've told Jeff that it's time to get to the hospital, but it's all just wishful thinking.  I keep thinking that I've been pregnant through all four seasons at this point, and at least I know I'm not going to head into a fifth season with a bump!  The end is in sight.  This baby is riding low now, and I'm finding it harder and harder to bend over. 

Which brings me to the one bit of news of the week.  On Thursday morning, I slipped coming out of the shower at the gym.  Fortunately, I sort of caught myself on the way down, but I landed on my butt.  Hard.  And, for those of you who know me well, a fall is nothing new in my book.  Still, my first thought was, "Is the baby okay?" and fortunately, I didn't have to wait more than a few seconds before he resumed his endless tap dance on the sides of my stomach.  Me, though, I could have been better.  So, I called Duckie, just to be on the safe side, and told him the baby was moving around, but that I felt pretty poorly.  I stopped by his office that afternoon for a little check-up, and Baby Storms was fine.  He told me to go home and make sure I took it easy for the next week or so. 

However, on Friday morning, I got a call from his nurse, telling me that Duckie didn't feel right about letting me go home the day before and wanted me to come back for another check-up.  Talk about scaring a pregnant woman right out of her maternity pants!  So, we went back to Duckie's office, he had another little peek at Baby Storms (who continued to practice playing the air guitar) and he also gave me the once over.  I was moving a little slower and hurt quite a bit more.  However, more concerning was that my blood pressure had gone up in the twenty-four hours since my visit on Thursday.  So, the words "modified bed rest" were tossed around, and Duckie basically told me that if I wasn't working, I should be resting.  I was also sent to physical therapy, which was wonderful, because it was basically an insurance-covered back massage.  I have to tell you that it's impossible to sit still when your "nesting instincts" are humming like crazy.  I was a bit of a neat freak before I was pregnant, but this is a whole new ball game.  I keep thinking, in a manner of speaking, that "every day is going to be my last" and I want my whole world to be in order so, when the time actually DOES come, I won't have to focus on anything but getting this kid out into the world.

Today's appointment with Duckie also incorporated my thirty-six week check up.  I'm continuing to measure on the small side, but Baby Storms is measuring right on the money.  I think the fact that I have such a long torso helps spread the baby around and he's not compacted so tightly.  My blood pressure was still a bit on the higher end, so I'm stilll under strict instructions to take it easy and I've got to stop going to the gym.  Not that I have been over the past five days.  No signs of labor yet, which really doesn't mean anything. 

So, here we are on Tuesday thirty-six weeks, and riding on minimal sleep...

I get up to go to the bathroom about twice a night.  Jeff calls me the "pregnant Chinese woman" because I have this weird elephant shuffle when I get up.  My joints are so stiff from only sleeping on my sides, in addition to having a sore back, that it takes a few minutes for the juices to get going once I'm up.  This weekend, Jeff and I are taking our "Labor & Delivery" class.  While I'm very excited to be a big part of bringing Baby Storms into the world, a part of me wishes I could be a fly on the wall, observing Jeff and I work together as we go through the experience.  We've been reading about what we need to bring with us to the hospital.  Most of the books recommend bringing a snack or sandwich for the labor partner, in case hunger pangs strike in the middle of the night and he doesn't need to leave the room to go and forage around a quiet hospital for food.  I'm relaying this to Jeff last night, who half-snorts, and says, "Why wouldn't I just go to the cafeteria?"  My response was, "Because you'll bring your cell phone" which prompted laughter.  Jeff has a terrible habit of "losing" himself when he gets distracted.  This is how that scenario would play out:

Jeff:  I'm going to the cafeteria to get a sandwich. 
Me:  Okay, huff, huff.  Be back quickly.  Huff, huff. 

Jeff would then leave the room, pull out his cell phone just to "see something" and subsequently get lost amid the corridors in the hospital.  But, he wouldn't notice that he was lost because after he "checked the scores" or "caught up on the news," he would call his brother or his mother or one of his buddies to give them a "progress report" on the labor.  This phone call would lead him to meander further around the hospital, getting more and more lost, until he disconnected the call and realized that he didn't know where he was.  He'd find a staffer, ask where the cafeteria was, and finally go and get a sandwich.  While in the cafeteria, there'd probably be a television and he'd get caught watching "Sports Center" or CNN and decide to sit down and eat his sandwich.  After he finished eating, he'd probably call someone else, start texting with someone from his office, or check to see if anything happened in the world in the last hour, at which point he'd realize that he had no idea how to get back to the room where I am.  He'd feel badly that he'd been gone for a long time, and decide to buy me a gift in the form of a stuffed animal.  He would finally ask a hospital employee how to get back to my birthing suite.  Then, he'd arrive and have been gone for forty-five minutes.  And you think I'm being dramatic.  Ask my husband if this is a completely plausible scenario.  Ask him how many times he's driven past the exit to our house on the freeway because he's been on the phone. 
The baby's room is all completed now - all his clothes are washed, his pacifiers and bottles have been sanitized, and now we're just waiting.  I had my final two showers last week, and I can't tell everyone enough how grateful we are for everything.  Seriously, its an incredible feeling to be so showered and spoiled.  My mom and sister put together an amazing shower for me last Saturday.  My girlfriends were also generous, and I received a number of gifts with a mother's stamp of approval.  We also received the video monitor, which I was really excited about, and I've got it all set up and ready to go.   

So, I hope I've made this sufficiently long in order to make up for posting late.  We've got twenty-three days to go, and I'm hoping that by December 1st, I'll be holding Baby Storms in my arms and not in my belly!