Monday, October 10, 2011

Thirty-Three Weeks

I had been waiting to post an update, as we were scheduled to meet with Duckie today for just a little check-up and check-in to see how things are going. 

Well, the good news is that I've put on three pounds since my last appointment - which is a really good thing, especially since I haven't really gained that much weight.  My blood pressure is normal, and the baby's heartbeat is very strong.  However, during the first measurement today, Duckie thought he might be a little small for how far along I am.  During some additional examination, however, he found that the baby has actually stretched out his home, so it looks like a gourd.  His butt is up in my left rib cage, his feet are on my right side, and his head is down around my belly button.  So, he's kind of in a pike position.  After the second measurement, I was right on track.  Still, Duckie ordered another ultrasound, just to make sure he's growing like he should.  It's nothing to be worried about, and I guess its fairly common just to do a weight and height check in the later weeks of pregnancy, since babies can vary so much.  So, we've got that scheduled for Friday.  I'm just excited that I get another sneak peek at my tiny heavyweight!  We follow up with Duckie next week for the ultrasound results, but Duckie said not to worry and so I'm not going to!   

Other than that, we had a great weekend!  Seriously, I am so lucky.  I can't believe how amazing my friends and family are.  We celebrated my dad's and my birthday on Friday night with dinner at Interlachen, followed by cake and presents at my parents' house.  I got a great pair of boots from my parents and a nice gift certificate from my sister and brother-in-law.  For my post-baby shopping spree, of course!  On Saturday, I had my girlfriends and their kids up for brunch to see the new house and have a mini-birthday celebration.  We had a great time and I had so much fun playing with everyone.  The kids loved the basement (since there's no furniture down there!) which meant running laps and a rousing game of chase.  Then, it was outside to examine all the fishies in the pond and building leaf piles to jump in.  The day was concluded by a dance party, led by Ms. Etta Rae, to Beyonce's "Single Ladies."  I also put in a lot of quality cuddle time with Baby Ella, who allowed me to hold her while she napped. 

Yesterday, Jeff and I went to brunch at a place in Northeast Minneapolis and we were able to sit outside at a table by the river.  I don't know that I've ever been able to say that at this time of year.  The weather was absolutely amazing.  Then, we headed to Apple Jack's Orchard with a bunch of our friends and picked some apples...which I later turned in to cobbler and crisp.  I got so many birthday cards and phone calls yesterday that I still feel all warm and fuzzy inside. 

Presents for Baby Jack continue to arrive by the truckload, seriously.  We got a bouncy chair from Uncle Chris and Aunt Kate, a sling from Auntie Weiss, and a stroller cover from my Aunt Deb.  I also have my first baby shower this weekend and I am so excited.  We're really getting down to the final weeks of this pregnancy and I'm still having fun.  Sort of. 

Here we are at thirty-three weeks:

If my belly looks mis-shaped, it's because that it probably is.  He's moving around in there all the time, trying to find a comfortable position, it would seem.  As a result, it's not unusual to get an elbow, knee or a butt sticking out at various spots on my stomach.  It's the coolest thing in the world.  I can actually feel his arms and legs if I'm lying down.  In addition, I don't think my belly button will ever revert to its "innie" status.  Gross, I know...but it happens.

The Braxton-Hicks contractions are getting to be more frequent.  Its nothing to be concerned about, so long as they don't start occurring at regular, five minute intervals over the course of an hour (hint, that's how you know you're in labor if your water doesn't break!).  The contractions get pretty intense if I walk up a hill or take a flight of stairs too quickly.  It's kind of humbling - I was used to running for miles and now I get stabbing pains - not to mention winded - walking up to the bedroom.  Lame.  The baby is now over five pounds and can be up to twenty-two inches in length.  He's as big as a pineapple.  His fingernails are also apparently long and he'll need a manicure when he's born.  It kind of skeeves me out to think that, with how active he's been, that is probably scratching the heck out of my insides.  Super. 

I'm finally getting to the point where I'd like to no longer be pregnant.  Don't get me wrong - I still want this guy cooking for a few more weeks, but I miss being able to lie on my stomach, or flat on my back, for that matter.  I miss my abdominal muscles, I miss a nice beer.  I miss not waddling when I walk.  I miss all the clothes that I can't wear.  But, I am looking forward to getting the old "me" back - or at least returning to a semi-normal pre-pregnancy status.    

Still, I can't believe the sense of peace that has settled over me.  I don't know how it happens, but I seem to wake up happier than I was the day before.  They always say you don't know what you've got until it's gone, but you also don't know what you've been missing until it arrives.  I've been blessed so much this past year and I had to do a lot of growing up.  I know life won't be sunshine and rainbows all the time, but they're here now so I'm going to enjoy them.     

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