Friday, April 22, 2011

Daddy's Birthday...

Last night, I bought tickets to a play to celebrate your daddy's birthday.  We went to grab a quick bite to eat before the play, and seeing as how I had a craving for shrimp, we went to a restaurant called Sea Change.  Much to my surprise, they did not have anything on the menu that had shrimp in it.  In fact, most of the menu was comprised of raw fish or chicken, neither of which I can eat right now.  So, I settled for a burger, with bacon ground into the meat.  I was not too excited about it. 

In any case, our food came, and I took one bite of the burger before sprinting to the bathroom.  It was too rich, the bacon flavor was too any case, we did not like it.  So, I sprinted for the bathroom, and accidentally entered the men's bathroom.  Which was evidenced by the gentleman washing his hands.  Unfortunately, vomiting waits for no one, and so I didn't have time to turn around, exit, and find the women's restroom, as bacon burger was making its way up my gullet.  So, I puked in the men's bathroom.  Thank you very much, let me stand up, and take a bow. 

The man I surprised became quite concerned as sounds of my retching reached him.  He knocked on the stall and asked if I was alright and if he could fetch someone for me.  I'm fairly certain he thought I was anorexic until I told him I was nine weeks pregnant and that I'd be fine in a minute. 

After I returned to the table, the bartender must have noticed my rather quick exit as he bought me a ginger ale and our waiter came over to make sure everything was alright.  We quickly finished our food and made our way upstairs to the play.  I promptly fell asleep during the first act.  It must not have been very good anyways, because your daddy suggested we bail on the play and hit up Dairy Queen. 

So, in sum, all the romantic plans I had made for your daddy's birthday may have backfired on me.  I wanted it to be special, since it will be the last birthday as the two of us.  I suppose you were there as well, little one, but I imagine when he turns 33, we'll be much more focused on what you're up to. 

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