This post could have several alternative titles, including "Pregnancy Brain - Fact or Fiction?" or "Ow, Ow, My Aching Back/Feet/Knees" or "Selling Your Home Really Sucks."
Where did the time go? All of a sudden, I feel like I've woken up and I'm so much further along than I think or feel that I am. This past week has literally gone by in a blur. If you could infer anything from the above title alternates, we have become deeply immersed in the real estate market. Our offer was accepted on the house in Plymouth. We're set to close on September 1. Which, in my opinion, doesn't leave a lot of time. But, if there's one thing I'm good at, it's planning ahead, making lists, and checking things off. So, now that we've got our new house figured out, we have to focus on selling our current place.
To that end, we had a "stager" come in and tell us everything that was wrong with our house, what to put away, what colors to use in all the rooms, and how to rearrange our furniture. Basically, I would say that she told us how to create an optical illusion so that some poor, unsuspecting individual would come in to our house, see the massive amount of "space" we have, how well decorated our house is, and simply have to purchase it. Dare to dream, no? One of the many things I've realized going through this process is that we've accumulated a lot of crap. So, I rented a storage unit out in Plymouth, and we've been slowly working our way through the house, clearing out all our crap, and generally trying to be all that we can be. I've started to feel like Annette Benning in "American Beauty" that beginning scene where she's hosting the open house, and repeats her mantra, "I will sell this house today, I will sell this house!" Whenever Jeff thinks I've gone off the deep end, he repeats that phrase and reminds me of how that movie ends. Not well. We've also got contractors and cleaning people coming in all this week and next week. If all goes according to plan, our house should be listed around July 1. Then, I'll have two blissful months of relaxing before I have to start all over again in a new place.
With respect to the baby, I am pleased to report we got the results of our quad screen back today, and everything looks great. No genetic mutations to suggest Down's Syndrome, spina bifida, or any other genetic abnormality. My hCG level is also at over 53,000, which makes me laugh when I think about how I got excited at it being at just over 500. I think that each bit of positive news I get is just an answer to a prayer. We've wanted this for so long, had so many problems along the way, it seems to be almost a miracle every time we get a piece of good news. So, here we are at seventeen weeks...

Still not much to report in Bump Watch 2011. But, even if I don't exactly look pregnant, I certainly have pregnancy brain. I heard about this elusive condition from my friend, Molly, several years ago. The term describes the often scatterbrained and forgetful mind of a pregnant woman. For example, "I was driving in my car, and totally missed the turn off to my house! I blame my pregnancy brain!" I think it has to do with the fact that one becomes so preoccupied and concentrated on the life growing inside, that other mindless activities just take a back seat. For example, this week I packed the television remote in Jeff's gym bag. Don't ask me why I did that since I was taking clothes out to put in the wash. Yesterday, I wanted to wear a certain suit jacket to work. When I didn't see it in my closet, I got concerned that I packed it. So, I tore through four or five boxes before realizing that I had set it on the bed, along with my shoes. After concluding a conference call with my client earlier this week, I signed off by saying, "Thanks, everyone! Love you, bye!" Fortunately, she got a kick out of it. So, in my book, pregnancy also makes you incredibly forgetful and spacey. I don't think it makes things any easier when you're trying to buy and sell a house, and attempt to continue working full time.
This week, the baby learns how to yawn and will start to get hiccups. The baby is about 5.5 inches in length and weighs about as much as a chicken breast. Side note: Yuck. We have our next appointment on Monday. I don't think I'll get an ultrasound at that appointment, but we'll get to hear the heartbeat again. In just a few weeks now, we'll have our big 20-week appointment, when I can finally put the gender issue to bed. Then, I can start monogramming every little bootie and onesie.
I'm so glad that all this moving business is coming up now, when I'm solidly in the second trimester. I can't imagine how much work it'd be moving, packing, and working while wondering if my Boost energy drink was going to come up. Anyways, I'll update more on Monday after the appointment...until then, happy packing, I guess!