Thursday, June 2, 2011

Fifteen Weeks

I've been informed, gentle readers, that I do not post often enough, which makes people worry.  So, therefore, I promise to fill this posting up with lots of information about everything that's been going on since I last updated.  There has been much to tell...but first, here we are at fifteen weeks...

Well, I still don't look pregnant.  However, the picture is somewhat of an optical illusion since I'm wearing Spanx in the picture.  I've got a client function today and I don't want them to know I'm having a baby yet.  I'm afraid they'll stop sending me work.  I would also like to take a minute and thank the inventor of Spanx. 

In other news, it appears that my ass is actually pregnant.  Seriously, look at that thing.  I'm the actual embodiment of a Sir Mix-A-Lot song.  Baby got back.  I'm giving J-Lo and Kim Kardashian a run for their money.  Years ago, an individual once told me that I was the essence of a black man's perfection - I was a white girl with the ass of a sister.  And that's a direct quote.  If that man could see me now.  When I was living in Washington DC, another man also offered to buy me pants, which is unusual but I assume had something to do with dressing the booty up in said pants.  My Uncle Steve loves telling that story.  At least it's still where its supposed to be and not hanging down around my knees.  But enough about that...

This week, the baby will start to hear.  I was reading in my baby book this morning that babies can recognize songs that were sung to them while in utero.  The baby will learn to recognize and be comforted by my voice.  It also means that we must start buying Baby Muzak CDs and playing them to my belly every night before we go to sleep.  I should also considering swearing less.  The baby's backbone is getting stronger, she has eyebrows and eyelashes, and is about five inches long now.  Hard to believe all of that is living underneath that Calvin Klein dress.  I know I've said this before, but anyone who believes that life begins at birth has never been pregnant.  I can actually feel life inside of me.  This baby already has fingernails, hair, eyelashes, and fingerprints.  That being said, I still don't think the government has a right to tell me what to do with my body, but let's forgo a political debate...

I'm also fairly certain that I felt the baby move this week.  Earlier on in pregnancy, it's called "quickening" and I guess it can often be confused with gas or hunger pangs.  However, the other night, we were sitting on the couch, watching The Voice and I felt a series of quick little raps on one side of my lower stomach.  It happened several different times over the course of a half hour.  I tried to get Jeff to feel it, but he couldn't.  Oh well, all in its time.  Maybe it was gas, but I am choosing to believe the baby was objecting to the heinous singing on the television.   

I've also been having terrible dizzy spells.  I called Colonel Sanders on Tuesday because I had been lightheaded for several hours, and it wasn't going away with resting or hydration.  So, we went into urgent care.  My blood pressure was fine, my temperature was normal, and it just turns out I'm pregnant.  There may also be an allergy component which may be making me dizzy, but antihistamines are out of the question.  I felt a little silly being in there for something so benign, but I suppose I'd rather have twenty false alarms as opposed to one serious issue.  I have been feeling a lot better over the past two days and have more energy too, so I'm taking those to be good signs. 

The one question I get, more than any other question, is whether I have any cravings.  I'm having difficulty distinguishing an actual "craving" from a famished feeling.  However, there is nothing like a hungry pregnant woman.  Seriously.  When that hunger hits, you need to satisfy that need at that moment.  Do not pass go, do not collect $200.00.  I was driving home last night at about 6:30 when a hunger pang hit and it became an all consuming desire.  It was all I could do just to make it home and not swing through the Taco Bell drive-thru.  But, when the hunger pang hit last night, it was very specific.  I wanted chili con queso from Rojo Mexican Restaurant.  But, I think I wanted that because it is cheesy and delicious and not because I was craving it, per se.  So, do I have any cravings?  I don't know.  I guess I've wanted Mexican food more than usual, and I really like anything strawberry-banana flavored.  Specifically, saltwater taffy.  But I still don't think that's too weird. 

Finally, Jeff and I are still on the quest for a new house.  We had put an offer in on a short sale out in Minnetonka that fell through.  We're going to look at another house in Eden Prairie tonight.  My old stomping grounds.  It has a pool.  I don't know how I feel about that just yet.  However, it's becoming very apparent that we're going to need to move before this baby comes.  I went to Target last weekend to pick up a gift for a friend's baby shower and I had a minor panic attack while browsing the infant aisles, finally realizing how much "equipment" is needed for a baby.  We literally do not have enough room for the three of us (plus Maverick, of course) in our townhouse.  So, house hunting is now a full time job.  Maybe Grammy and Pop-Pop will let us live with them?   


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