Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sixteen Weeks

Fatty fatty boom a latty!  Both of us are focusing on getting chubbier this week.  I have an appetite and eat enough in one sitting to feed a family of four for a week.  That may be a bit of an overstatement, but compared to the lack of food I've been consuming in the past four months, my eating habits now are much different.  The meat aversion has abated somewhat.  Chicken is still a bit dicey for me, and I don't think I could eat a piece of chicken without something mixed in with it.  Preferably something cheesy. 

So, here we are at sixteen weeks and there's just a hint of a bump starting to show.  If I'm going to be perfectly honest, I may have eaten an egg sandwich before I took this picture and really just let my stomach hang out after that:

This week, the baby can finally relax, since a lot of the development is now over with.  She's about five inches long and weighs about 3.5 ounces.  That seems so small still.  But, it's about the size of your open hand, if you can imagine that.  The baby's eyes are in the front of her head by now, and she's just got to worry about getting chubbier.  She's also listening now.  She can hear Maverick when he barks, Jeff when he sings to her, and she can most definitely hear me holler at her daddy when he leaves his socks on the floor.  She's also perfecting eye movements and learning how to suck and swallow.  We go in tomorrow for our quad screening but I don't really know when we'll get the results of that just yet.     

In other news, I think we've found a house.  In just a few short months, we'll become residents of Plymouth.  Its a nice little suburb, about twenty minutes from where we live now.  It's in a great school district and the house is close to a lot of parks, walking trails, and lakes.  It's really everything we've been looking for.  I'm nervous, but in a really great way.  All of a sudden, everything seems so real.  In any case, I've also put up a picture of the outside of the house, if you're interested.  I like it.  I think it looks like a Christmas card. 

This state is also schizophrenic.  It was over 100 degrees on Tuesday, and forty-eight hours later, I woke up and wore a jacket to work.  Although I'm not going to complain at all.  It's easy to warm up and impossible to cool down.  I don't know if I have anything else to report.  I'm feeling great and have lots of energy, so I'm going to take advantage of it while I still have time.    

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