Monday, June 6, 2011

Heat Wave

Well, Mother Nature needs to take her menopause medication because we could do without the hot flashes.  Seriously, it is like eleventy bajillion degrees outside right now.  I just went and re-potted my tomato plants and I sweat through my Spanx.  I was outside for ten minutes, maybe.  Boo.

In years past, I have been a sucker for the heat.  Seriously.  In my book, it could always be hotter and more humid.  I loved it.  One of my most favorite past times has been sitting on my deck, or lounging by a pool, literally getting as hot and as sweaty as I possibly could.  In the wintertime, I have a space heater and gas fireplace literally running all the time just so I can get as warm as possible.  My, how times have changed...

I left work early on Friday because I couldn't stand the humidity in our office.  I felt like I wanted to strip off all my clothes.  I almost went to Home Depot to see if I could replace my space heater with a space cooler.  Instead, I went to the pool and promptly submerged myself in it and stayed there until my fingers looked like raisins.  Yesterday, I went to the pool with my friend, Lindsey, and my entire mission was how to stay as cool as possible.  I bobbed in the pool, I consumed copious amounts of ice and liquids, and I even dared to bare the belly.  My house could re-freeze the polar ice caps and it's the only place I'm really comfortable.  I'm going to hate to see our electricity bill at the end of the summer.  

I've also swelled up like a Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade balloon.  They may have to surgically remove my wedding ring.  I hate to think how my other pregnant girlfriends are feeling - the ones that are six, seven, and eight months pregnant...and I hate to think how I'll be feeling come August.  Actually, by then, I'll probably just be really excited to go and eat my way through the State Fair.  Yum.       

1 comment:

  1. Nothing better than being pregnant and heading to the State Fair......for an indecisive pregnant girl, it's the best place to be! So many options! Yum!!
